#Today I'm a retired #LLL #LaLecheLeague Leader. A friend reached out with questions for a co-worker and new parent. #Breastfeeding #Chestfeeding support is still something I treasure. I'm happy to answer questions or look things up so a stressed new parent doesn't have to. It's always nice to feel useful and supportive. Happy I can still be a #resource for friends and family.
#today #lll #lalecheleague #breastfeeding #chestfeeding #resource
ラ・レーチェ・リーグ高崎~どんなところなのかな? https://www.magmoe.com/508402/celebrity/2019-06-12/
#LaLecheLeague #lll #UCgWYPOvKM0GmkTc8yJY_t2g #ラ・レーチェ・リーグ #ラレーチェ #授乳の悩み #母乳 #育児 #高崎かな
#高崎かな #育児 #母乳 #授乳の悩み #ラレーチェ #ラ #UCgWYPOvKM0GmkTc8yJY_t2g #lll #lalecheleague
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Jugend voran zur Einheit, Jugend voran zum Kampf! (roter Jugendblock)
ganzes Video
Luxemburg-Liebknecht-Demo 2023 #LLDemo
Gedenken an ermordete Revolutionäre
Berlin, 15.1.23
DAS Video zu LLL 2023!
#LLLdemo #LLL #Berlin inclusive Strategieseminar und Podiumsdiskussion der neuen Friedensbewegung, REBELL-Party, LLL-Demo
#Lenin #Liebknecht #Luxemburg #LL #LLL2023
#llldemo #lll #Berlin #lenin #liebknecht #luxemburg #ll #lll2023
#LLLdemo #LLL
Kämpferische Stimmung und viel Diskussionsbedarf
#Lenin #Liebknecht #Luxemburg 2023 #Berlin und #Gelsenkirchen
#llldemo #lll #lenin #liebknecht #luxemburg #Berlin #gelsenkirchen
#Lenin-#Liebknecht-#Luxemburg Demo in Berlin 15/11
Mobi Video: https://bit.ly/3XoBslk
Kommt alle!
Zeit für revolutionäre Schlussfolgerungen! Für eine breite gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzung über den echten #Sozialismus! Gegen #Imperialismus und #Opportunismus
#LLL #b1501
#lenin #liebknecht #luxemburg #sozialismus #imperialismus #opportunismus #lll #b1501
I worked as a lowly technician at #LLNL (or #LLL because the gov't did NOT want "radiation" in the name). I worked on the #CTR project (ex- #Plowshare) trying to get Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions to appear in a giant magnetic bottle.
#Fusion and #fusionenergy were the goal, but we were told that if we -did- manage a reaction, the cement blocks that surrounded the chamber would not protect us from the radiation.
Can I say I was scared? But I really wanted it to work.
Yay Lab!
#LLNL #lll #ctr #plowshare #fusion #fusionenergy
Good morning!
Do any of you know of anyone who has implemented a corporate and/or school social network with Mastodon?
Gladly Boost for reach.
#edutoot #EdChat #EduSci #EduSci #SharingIsCaring #Cocreation #LLL #Digitality
#edutoot #edchat #edusci #sharingiscaring #cocreation #lll #digitality
Guten Morgen!
Weiß jemand von euch eins, der*die schon mal ein Corporate und/oder School Social Network mit Mastodon umgesetzt hat?
Gerne Boost für Reichweite.
#clc #KulturDesTeilens #Kokreation #LLL #Digitalität #OE
#clc #KulturDesTeilens #kokreation #lll #digitalitat #OE
https://formation.cnam.fr/actualites-de-la-formation/industries-chimiques-pharmaceutiques-et-agroalimentaires-des-cours-avec-de-nouveaux-modules-en-realite-virtuelle-1370547.kjsp #XR #EdTech #HigherEd #immersiveLearning #immersiveTwin #LLL Life Long Learning
#xr #edtech #highered #immersivelearning #immersivetwin #lll
https://formation.cnam.fr/actualites-de-la-formation/industries-chimiques-pharmaceutiques-et-agroalimentaires-des-cours-avec-de-nouveaux-modules-en-realite-virtuelle-1370547.kjsp #XR #EdTech #HigherEd #immersiveLearning #immersiveTwin #LLL Life Long Learning
#xr #edtech #highered #immersivelearning #immersivetwin #lll
#LLL from #NCSOFT. An upcoming multi platform (PC/Console) open world MMO 3PS title. Projected 2024 release.
#TheDivision but sci-fi? :ablobthinking:
Passion : chercher son nom de domaine #TLD à trois lettres #LLL pour un nouveau .fr. (ping @fanch qui m'a donné l'inspi)
Avec un peu de #python et l'#OpenData de l'#Afnic, ca n'a pas été trop long 😆
NB : Y'en a encore 2033 de dispo ! (et 24000 si on ajoute les chiffres).
#tld #lll #python #opendata #afnic