67 years ago:
The Last Hunt (US)
A buffalo hunter has a falling-out with his partner, who kills for fun.
#TheLastHunt #RobertTaylor #StewartGranger #LloydNolan #MGM #Western #ClassicFilm
#thelasthunt #roberttaylor #stewartgranger #lloydnolan #mgm #western #classicfilm
81 years ago:
The Man Who Wouldn't Die (US)
A man believed to be dead and buried escapes from his grave and returns to the scene of the crime seeking revenge.
#TheManWhoWouldntDie #LloydNolan #HenryWilcoxon #PaulHarvey #20thCenturyFox #ClassicFilm
#themanwhowouldntdie #lloydnolan #henrywilcoxon #paulharvey #20thcenturyfox #classicfilm
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #PreachinTheBlues
Lloyd Nolan:
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🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #PreachinTheBlues
Lloyd Nolan:
🎵 I Don't Know About You
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72 years ago:
The Lemon Drop Kid (US)
When the Lemon Drop Kid accidentally cheats gangster Moose Moran out of his track winnings, the Kid promises to repay Moose the money by Christmas. Creating a fake charity for "Apple Annie" Nellie Thursday, the Kid tricks his gang into donning Santa suits and "collecting dough for old dolls" like Ne...
#TheLemonDropKid #BobHope #MarilynMaxwell #LloydNolan #Paramount #ClassicFilm
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66 years ago:
Abandon Ship (GB,US)
After a massive luxury liner sinks into the ocean, the ship's officer must command a rickety lifeboat, built for only nine, that is stuffed with over twenty desperate and injured passengers. As a hurricane approaches and the many wounded passengers struggle for life, difficult decisions must be made...
#AbandonShip #TyronePower #MaiZetterling #LloydNolan #Columbia #ClassicMovies
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78 years ago:
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (US)
In Brooklyn circa 1900, the Nolans manage to enjoy life on pennies despite great poverty and Papa's alcoholism. We come to know these people well through big and little troubles: Aunt Sissy's scandalous succession of "husbands"; the removal of the one tree visible from their tenement; and young Fran...
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