Hello @tonyenifer - when will @LloydsofLondon stop gambling with our lives? #StopFossilFuels #StopEACOP #InsureOurFuture #LloydsPeople
#stopfossilfuels #STOPEACOP #insureourfuture #lloydspeople
RT @CoalActionUK
Tell @LloydsofLondon staff to look out their window to see Mother Earth 🎵🎤 Motown classics on #MothersDay - Help us send 5mil messages to #LloydsPeople demanding they stop insuring the East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline #StopEACOP -> https://actionnetwork.org/letters/lloyds-motown-mother-earth-is-outside/
#mothersday #lloydspeople #STOPEACOP
RT @CoalActionUK
LIVE: Mother Earth 🎵🎤 at @LloydsofLondon “Whenever you fund the game coal, oil, gas and shame. Right then, there, I feel that burning pain. Well ya' treating me bad. Why can't you see? This ain’t the way it's supposed to be!” #LloydsPeople this #MothersDay help #StopEACOP
#lloydspeople #mothersday #STOPEACOP