Waking the Red Dragon: Could the Welsh break up with Britain? This Australian Broadcasting Corporation documentary will be broadcast on Thursday at 20:00 Australian Eastern Daylight Time #Cymru #Wales #annibyniaeth #YmaOHyd #Wrecsam #WrexhamAFC #llywodraethcymru #welshgovernment #australianbroadcastingcorporation
#australianbroadcastingcorporation #welshgovernment #llywodraethcymru #WrexhamAFC #Wrecsam #YmaOHyd #annibyniaeth #Wales #cymru
"Mark Drakeford’s luxury World Cup stay paid for by Qatari Government"
Mark is a very naughty boy.
#LlywodraethCymru #WelshGovernment #MarkDrakeford #PrifWeinidog #FirstMinister
#firstminister #prifweinidog #markdrakeford #welshgovernment #llywodraethcymru
@baadc0de I've noticed that they've been very vocal about Wales this year. The more bile they spew up, the more I'm reassured that #LlywodraethCymru must be doing something right. If they're trying this hard to discredit them rather than just ignoring them like usual then they must be scared that something they're doing will catch on.
I'm conflicted.
On the one hand I support the #NursesStrike and all other striking workers. Their situations are dire and they need the changes that they're asking for.
On the other hand, #LlywodraethCymru has a fixed budget from #Westminster that hasn't gone up with inflation. They can't offer what they don't have without cutting something else and I suspect that the amount they would have to raise income tax by to cover it wouldn't go down well with the electorate.
#westminster #llywodraethcymru #nursesstrike
Mae Sustrans yn gweithio gyda #LlywodraethCymru i gynnig benthyciadau beiciau trydan rhad ac am ddim i gymunedau ledled Cymru | Sustrans is working with the #WelshGovernment to offer free e-bike loans to communities across Wales. #ebike #beiciautrydan #cymru #cenendlaethaurdyfodol
#cenendlaethaurdyfodol #cymru #beiciautrydan #ebike #welshgovernment #llywodraethcymru
A screenshot from the excellent #railnatter by the fantastic @GarethDennis
For context, the total annual Welsh Government budget is about £22B
#llywodraethcymru #budget
#budget #llywodraethcymru #railnatter
Nurse, Doctors, teachers and more all deserve to be paid a lot more. Unfortunately, devolved government budgets are very limited and controlled by Westminster. #llywodraethcymru have to try and run all of these services with less money than Westminster waste on dodgy contracts and buying support from minority parties. Sure, they could spend their money a bit more efficiently and their priorities aren't always the best but the savings would be a drop in the ocean compared to what's needed.
Seen this advertised elsewhere and thought I'd share as lots of #Cymru / #Wales peeps on here and those who are #DysguCymraeg
It's a partnership between #S4C and the #WelshGovernmet / #LlywodraethCymru
Not tried it myself so no promises 🙈🤣
#llywodraethcymru #WelshGovernmet #s4c #dysgucymraeg #Wales #cymru