I was just told by Kurt of Spawning.ai, "The reason we cannot opt out accounts on any social media platform is due to how the images are stored. They are not stored on a private server you control but are part of a larger cloud with umbrella URLs that are not necessarily in your control, and we cannot opt out all of mastodon."
...but can't we though? Can #OptOut not be built in to Fediverse server software?
#optout #ai #lma #mla #skynet #scraping
Have I Been Trained?
Search 5.8 billion images used to train popular AI art models. Find out if images on your site have been used to train LMA/"AI" generators, and choose to opt in or opt out.
#MLA #LMA #AI #Trainers #Algorithm #MachineLearningAlgorithms #Scraping #Copyright #OptOut https://humanshared.com/links/web-autonomy/have-i-been-trained/
#mla #lma #ai #trainers #algorithm #machinelearningalgorithms #scraping #copyright #optout
Vaak is het lastig oude bouwmaterialen toe te passen in een volledige renovatie of nieuwbouw (dit project beide). Maar hier is dat zo mooi gelukt: deze prachtige spiltrap (staal met eiken) uit Frankrijk ca 1910 krijgt een 2e leven! Nu nog een bordesje en de loopbrug (die weer strak modern wordt), wordt vervolgd...
#recycle #reuse #bouwenmetpassie #LMA
#lma #bouwenmetpassie #reuse #recycle
#BrighamCircle #Thai and #sushi place looks to expand into #Vietnamese sandwiches, #breakfast
#BanhMi #MissionHill #LMA #Boston https://www.universalhub.com/2023/brigham-circle-thai-and-sushi-place-looks-expand
#boston #lma #MissionHill #banhmi #breakfast #vietnamese #sushi #thai #brighamcircle
Today at @AGU2022@twitter.com check out lab poster by Cesar Hinojo Hinojo We developed a #Landsat-based multispectral index, called #iLMA, for the continuous monitoring of the mean Leaf Mass per Area (LMA) across the globe… #LMA has decreased by 6.5% over the last 35 years
RT @jocelynavarrro@twitter.com
Dr. Cesar Hinojos Hinojos from @bjenquist@twitter.com Lab is excited to present his poster at AGU today! He will be at the poster session starting at 2:45 pm!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jocelynavarrro/status/1603485738401685520
Today at @AGU2022 check out lab poster by Cesar Hinojo Hinojo We developed a #Landsat-based multispectral index, called #iLMA, for the continuous monitoring of the mean Leaf Mass per Area (LMA) across the globe for the past 35 years... With this index we detected that the global #LMA has decreased by 6.5% over the last 35 years https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm22/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1085265
Today at @AGU2022 check out lab poster by Cesar Hinojo Hinojo We developed a #Landsat-based multispectral index, called #iLMA, for the continuous monitoring of the mean Leaf Mass per Area (LMA) across the globe for the past 35 years... With this index we detected that the global #LMA has decreased by 6.5% over the last 35 years https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm22/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1085265
J'aime bien (re)découvrir la pertinence des logiciels libres pour les associations et la capacité des différentes "briques" libres à coopérer ! https://forum.benevalibre.org/d/70-import-benevalibre-dans-garradin @francoisa @pascalg @pyg @Clailou Merci à @bohwaz pour ça ! #Bénévalibre #CNAJEP #CRAJEP #LMA
#lma #crajep #cnajep #benevalibre