Lmc concerto 560K mit Längsbetten
Verkaufe ich gerade bei #eBayKleinanzeigen
#Wohnwagen #lmc #eBayKleinanzeigen
#LMC The Milky Way has Trapped the Large Magellanic Cloud With its Gravity. What Comes Next?
Our galaxy’s largest nearby companion is the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a dwarf galaxy visible to the naked eye in the Southern Hemisphere. https://www.universetoday.com/161045/the-milky-way-has-trapped-the-large-magellanic-cloud-with-its-gravity-what-comes-next/
#LMC The Milky Way has Trapped the Large Magellanic Cloud With its Gravity. What Comes Next?
Our galaxy’s largest nearby companion is the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC),longer ignore the perturbations https://www.universetoday.com/161045/the-milky-way-has-trapped-the-large-magellanic-cloud-with-its-gravity-what-comes-next/ to our Galaxy that it causes.”
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #MichelleVisage
LMC & U2:
🎵 Take Me To The Clouds Above
#nowplaying #michellevisage #lmc #u2
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #ScottMillsWonderYears
LMC & U2:
🎵 Take Me To The Clouds Above
#nowplaying #ScottMillsWonderYears #lmc #u2
LM.C: New Look
#JR_NewLook #jrock #visualkei #LMC
#lmc #VisualKei #jrock #JR_Newlook
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio100s
LMC & U2:
🎵 Take Me To the Clouds Above
#nowplaying #radio100s #bbcr1 #lmc #u2
I had completely forgotten about LM.C until I saw a post there about them.
They released a new album earlier this year.
#JRock #VisualKei #LMC #LovelyMocochangCom
#jrock #visualkei #lmc #lovelymocochangcom
LM.C: New Look
#JR_NewLook #jrock #visualkei #LMC
Source: https://vk.com/wall-26788782_67513
Photo: https://sun9-22.userapi.com/impg/kmHuJ87VkEYMD3ldkacRsyO-EWOea7dkHFVL2A/kJQ3SH4rg6M.jpg?size=1920x1438&quality=95&sign=b3003525aa19f667c08c27668420e7fe&c_uniq_tag=aw4460h1QknGNOKhLzNNKJo3YLy8eNVI9DvJtjmSbGk&type=album
Photo: https://sun9-43.userapi.com/impg/bD8UuaOg_ZMftG5fhqi5ZgzvAmzrm8cEafH-iw/RSYLVCYIvQI.jpg?size=500x748&quality=95&sign=b3b20f7e7ccee60ef75973b8a963966b&c_uniq_tag=98J_zHtUFvk8DtHhNxrV1YwbwZxYkfRGDASVEKMO0X8&type=album
Photo: https://sun9-73.userapi.com/impg/EEk0aQEcQ4NymNQlp0EJgEomsBRQjH52xeKHTg/KVn5HXp-HPs.jpg?size=499x748&quality=95&sign=c8a16b418cca2ee503bb79f666601ec9&c_uniq_tag=9I9Ulm9MDg1T1d3sRVuWYFkE0Q2sHw9LwGVo8d6Odm8&type=album
#lmc #VisualKei #jrock #JR_Newlook
#lmc #VisualKei #jrock #JR_Clip
#N11: #StarClouds of the #LMC
#Astronomy #Picture of the Day
#n11 #StarClouds #lmc #astronomy #picture #apod
#LMC 15 is over, and the four entries are available for listening and free download here: https://archive.org/details/libre-music-challenge-15
This is where we made music with no actual or virtual instruments, just stuff we recorded on our phones. Two of the entries use wine glasses as the main non-instrument, one uses telephone noises, and one uses a bowed filing cabinet.
The deadline for the #LMC (Libre Music Challenge) I set is tomorrow. So if anyone reading this still wants to take part, get a move on! We have three entries so far, from @MyLoFy , @sg75 and me. Official submissions on this forum thread: https://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=40&p=142919
New track by @MyLoFy "Oenopion" composed & mixed with #Zrythm !
#zrythm #LibreMusicChallenge #lmc
I stayed up way too late trimming samples of me hitting stuff in the shed and assembling a virtual drumkit from them. This is for #LMC, but of course I set a challenge I wanted to do anyway.
The #LMC chat channel is over at https://chat.unfa.xyz/channel/libre-music-challenge . I just posted a mobile sound recording tip there: YMMV, but in my phone's sound recording app, noise suppression was turned on by default. That wrecks the quiet parts in your recordings, so turn it off.
🐧 🎵 There's a new #LibreMusicChallenge , and this time I made the rules.
To take part, make a piece of music using only sounds recorded using your phone (or other portable device), and no musical instruments are allowed. Since it's the #LMC, you need to use open-source music software.
Deadline is 2 April. Further details are here: https://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=24160
This will also be my entry for the #LMC, so it's made entirely with free software: Ardour, Audacity, Yoshimi, Red Zeppelin drums, MDA piano, and loads of Airwindows plugins. This version also uses a Luftikus EQ, but I'll make a pure Airwindows mix to submit over there, since that's the rule this month.
My #fedivision #fsc #lmc entry is coming together. Are there any singers still looking for a team? I have recorded a vocal myself, but there's plenty of room for improvement.