Love this article! Love these people! What an inspiring story.
"If you want to convince clinicians ... to use AI you can't say 'I don't know why, it just works.'"
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning #ML #NaturalLanguageProcessing #NLP #LargeLanguageModel #LMM #ChatGPT #Tool #Model #Data #Safety #Dignity #Accessibility #People #Humanity #Engineering #Technology #Software #OpenSource #Standard #Health #Quality #HealthCare #Algorithm #Strategy #Vision
#artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #ml #naturallanguageprocessing #nlp #largelanguagemodel #lmm #chatgpt #tool #model #data #safety #dignity #accessibility #people #humanity #engineering #technology #software #opensource #standard #health #quality #healthcare #algorithm #strategy #vision
"'AI dystopias project a parochial alpha-male psychology onto the concept of intelligence. They assume that superhumanly intelligent robots would develop goals like deposing their masters or taking over the world.'[ -- Steven Pinker]
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning #ML #LargeLanguageModel #LMM #ChatGPT #Tool #Prompt #Model #Content #Generate #Keyword #Digital #Creativity #Credit #Accountability #Safety #Dignity #Accessibility #People #Humanity #Technology
#artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #ml #largelanguagemodel #lmm #chatgpt #tool #prompt #model #content #generate #keyword #digital #creativity #credit #accountability #safety #dignity #accessibility #people #humanity #technology
The Best AI Regulatory Recommendations From Sam Altman’s Congressional Testimony
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning #ML #LargeLanguageModel #LMM #ChatGPT #Tool #Prompt #Model #Content #Generate #Keyword #Digital #Creativity #Credit #Accountability #Safety #Dignity #Accessibility #People #Humanity #Engineering #Technology #Software
#artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #ml #largelanguagemodel #lmm #chatgpt #tool #prompt #model #content #generate #keyword #digital #creativity #credit #accountability #safety #dignity #accessibility #people #humanity #engineering #technology #software
" ... true revolutions don’t happen simply because new technology becomes available. Instead, they occur when societies adopt new behaviors and ways of thinking that fundamentally change the way we live and work."
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning #ML #LargeLanguageModel #LMM #ChatGPT #Tool #Prompt #Model #Content #Generate #Keyword #Digital #Creativity #Credit #Accountability #Safety #Dignity #People #Humanity #Engineering #Technology #Software
#artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #ml #largelanguagemodel #lmm #chatgpt #tool #prompt #model #content #generate #keyword #digital #creativity #credit #accountability #safety #dignity #people #humanity #engineering #technology #software
Tremendous essay!
"Big-model A.I. is made of people—and the way to open the black box is to reveal them."
"In a world with data dignity, digital stuff would typically be connected with the humans who want to be known for having made it."
"if we treat our inventions as occult objects, we can hardly be good engineers"
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #LargeLanguageModel #LMM #Digital #Creativity #Credit #Accountability #Safety #Dignity #People #Humanity #Engineering
#artificialintelligence #ai #largelanguagemodel #lmm #digital #creativity #credit #accountability #safety #dignity #people #humanity #engineering
RT from Air Recognition (@AirRecognition)
#Thales #Jackal #VTOL #drone completes first firing of #LMM Lightweight Multirole #Missile
Original tweet :
#thales #jackal #vtol #drone #lmm #missile
#Thales #Jackal #VTOL #drone completes first firing of #LMM Lightweight Multirole #Missile
Original tweet :
#thales #jackal #vtol #drone #lmm #missile
AI: China tech giant Alibaba to roll out ChatGPT rival
#TongyiQianwen #china #lmm #ai #chatgpt #technology #alibaba
#tongyiqianwen #China #lmm #ai #chatgpt #technology #alibaba
"By adopting the techniques discussed in this article, you can effectively leverage ChatGPT to answer natural language questions on a variety of text repositories, such as your personal emails, corporate knowledge bases like Confluence, or any other collection of textual data."
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning #ML #LargeLanguageModel #LMM #ChatGPT #Technology #Software #Embedding #Data #Context #NaturalLanguageProcessing #NLP
#artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #ml #largelanguagemodel #lmm #chatgpt #technology #software #embedding #data #context #naturallanguageprocessing #nlp
"ChatGPT is fluent at bullshitting. It doesn’t know anything. It’s just trying to write convincingly ...
As it turns out, ChatGPT also appears to bullshit when it’s writing code, too"
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning #ML #LargeLanguageModel #LMM #ChatGPT #Technology #Software #Engineering #Development #Coding
#artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #ml #largelanguagemodel #lmm #chatgpt #technology #software #engineering #development #coding
"While I’m delighted by ChatGPT, I’m less delighted by human gullibility and the bumpy ride that all generative AI — not just ChatGPT — will be taking society on. We’ll need to learn different trust habits for our forays online and I shudder when I think of the teething pains as we all get up to speed."
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning #ML #LargeLanguageModels #LMM #ChatGPT #Prompt #Model #Content #Generate #Keyword #Business #Code #Development #Engineering
#artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #ml #largelanguagemodels #lmm #chatgpt #prompt #model #content #generate #keyword #business #code #development #engineering
"A not so tiny ecosystem has developed all on its own, with lists of prompts, tips, APIs, use cases, extensions, success stories and failures."
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning #ML #LargeLanguageModels #LMM #ChatGPT #API #Prompt #Tip #UseCase #Tool #Model #Marketing #Content #Generate #Keyword #Art #Plagiarism #Education #Business #Code #Coding #Development #Library #Engineering
#artificialintelligence #ai #machinelearning #ml #largelanguagemodels #lmm #chatgpt #api #prompt #tip #usecase #tool #model #marketing #content #generate #keyword #art #plagiarism #education #business #code #coding #development #library #engineering
🎉💸 Già un mese di #ChatGPTPlus... è volato! Soldi ben spesi... anzi benissimo! 💰🤖 #IntelligenzaArtificiale #AI #NaturalLanguageProcessing #NLP #LMM
#chatgptplus #intelligenzaartificiale #ai #naturallanguageprocessing #nlp #lmm
@thelmaphillips May I suggest a slate of the 1800s variety... 😂 Also, doing 'the kitchen rant' of how would she like to be called ugly etc. would also be entertaining...
I think I know what movie I'm going to be watching tonight...
Podiam os #DepósitosaPrazo valer mais nos bancos nacionais? Poder podiam. Entretanto, os #CertificadosdeAforro maquias de 1.409,32 ME só em outubro. Ter no banco a 0,05% e pagar taxas... não dá saúde financeira.
Gráfico retirado da homilia domingueira de #LMM
#lmm #DepósitosaPrazo #CertificadosdeAforro
Do any of you guys have a good example of application of mixed models, on a publicly available dataset? #rstats #lme4 #lmm #linearMixedModel
#linearmixedmodel #lmm #lme4 #rstats
Been playing around with dumbbell plots in #ggplot2 looking for ways to show predicted means from an #lmm with standard errors.
I've come up with this option overlaying the dumbbell showing the means over smaller dumbbells showing SEPs for each treatment but wondering if there is a way to jitter/adjust the alignment to see the overlapping parts a bit better
Ps I know the errors are huge, I have a LOT of very noisy data…that’s #ecology for you!
#ggplot2 #lmm #ggalt #dataviz #rstats #ecology
Remarkable robustness of linear #mixed‐effects models. It does not give a blank cheque for reckless statistical analysis, but it certainly is good news for scientists having to deal with deviations from textbook’s unrealistic assumptions regarding data #distribution. #science #statistics #regression #lmm
📄 Schielzeth et al (2020) Methods in Ecology and Evolution
#mixed #distribution #science #statistics #regression #lmm