Not often you see Gray's yard referenced as such. At least we know where the staff went for a beer. From 1839... #lmr
Joseph Sandars was a Liverpool corn merchant who played a leading role in development of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway.
In 1824 he lived at 7 Pembroke Place (red). I tentatively place this at the corner of Pembroke Place and Daulby St based on the location of the Oakes mansion which was at number 7 in 1803 and number 10 in 1824 (green).
The building later became a spirit vault and was still extant in 1934. It is now the site of the Liverpool Dental School. #LiverpoolHistory #LMR
Kenwood HT research @ 1866 House #sigint #comint #LMR #PoliceScanner #UHF #communicationsmonitoring
#sigint #comint #lmr #policescanner #uhf #communicationsmonitoring