New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics Core
Diffusion of muonic hydrogen in hydrogen gas and the measurement of the 1s
hyperfine splitting of muonic hydrogen
J. Nuber et al.
SciPost Phys. Core 6, 057 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #ETHZurich #PSI #IFJPAN #UniversityOfStuttgart #UniversityofCoimbra #nova #NTHU #MPQ #lmu #LKB #JGU #ANR #dfg #FCT #Ministèredel #SNF
Grey (2021) [5 min] by Vasilina Mikhaylova | #USA
#2D #2DAnimation #AnimatedShort #AnimatedShortOfTheDay #Animation #Wolf #Forest #Winter #LMU #MedievalGermany
#usa #2d #2danimation #animatedshort #animatedshortoftheday #animation #wolf #forest #winter #lmu #medievalgermany
Ending the summer semester 2023 on a positive note! Teaching the seminar "The link between neuronal lineage and cell fate determination" with Ann Bright, a talented postdoc from our lab, was an absolute pleasure. Interacting with the inspiring LMU students was a great experience #LMU #NewsMayerlab
1/2 #FlorianSiekmann, MdL: "Die Studiwohnheime in München vergammeln 😡 1500 Plätze stehen leer, 15.000 junge Menschen türmen sich auf der Warteliste. Die CSU hat die jungen Menschen völlig aus dem Blick verloren und jahrelang nicht investiert. Wir werden das ändern und nach der Wahl einen Wohnheim-Turbo zünden:
#Grüne #GrüneHadern #München #wg #wohnheim #uni #universität #lmu #tum #hochschule #wohnungsnot #landtag #bayern #LTWBY2023 #luxus #wohnenistkeinluxus
#FlorianSiekmann #grune #grunehadern #munchen #wg #Wohnheim #uni #universitat #lmu #tum #Hochschule #wohnungsnot #landtag #bayern #LTWBY2023 #luxus #wohnenistkeinluxus
Florian Siekmann, MdL:
Schluss mit dem Leerstand der Studiwohnheime! Wir zünden den Wohnheim-Turbo 🏡Die CSU lässt seit Jahren die Wohnheime vergammeln. In Sanierung und Neubau wird viel zu wenig investiert. Inzwischen türmen sich über 14.000 Studierende auf der Warteliste in München. Das will ich mit meinem Plan für einen Wohnheim-Turbo ändern!
#wohnheim #study #studieren #uni #universität #lmu #tum #hochschule #wohnungsnot #münchen #landtagswahl #Grüne #GrüneHadern #Bayern #LTWBY2023
#Wohnheim #study #studieren #uni #universitat #lmu #tum #Hochschule #wohnungsnot #munchen #landtagswahl #grune #grunehadern #bayern #LTWBY2023
Alturas Station held their new hire training and orientation. The past two weeks have been jam-packed with classes, field training, and lots of PT. Welcome to the CAL FIRE Lassen-Modoc Unit.
Today, Bieber Helitack and Bieber Fire Station had a blast with visiting students from Big Valley Elementary School. Interacting with our local youth is a highlight of our job.
Today, Bieber Helitack had a blast with visiting students from Big Valley Elementary School. Interacting with our local youth is a highlight of the job.
Honored to attend the 6th Annual Susanville Indian Rancheria Housing Authority’s Community BBQ yesterday. It was awesome to be of service at this event with such a huge turnout. Unfortunately, we didn’t get more pictures due to serving food to all the wonderful families.
This project was conducted in collaboration with @LassenNF, Westwood Fire Department, Sierra Pacific Instudries, and @LassenFireSafeCouncil Possible-Smoke Advisory along roadway A21@HWY 147, HWY36@HWY 147, and the communities of Clear Creek and Westwood for the next few days.
It’s busy in the CAL FIRE Lassen-Modoc Unit with training, rehires, and community wide projects. Today, Antelope Camp provided some important vegetation clean up around our local Susanville schools.
Please join us in congratulating three recent graduates who successfully completed the CAL FIRE Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) this week. From Left: Captain Specialist, Colby Simms, Captain Specialist, James Adams, and Captain Specialist, Alan Thornhill. Well done!!
Come and see us at the Lassen Firesafe Council’s first annual Wildfire Preparedness Day at Janesville Park. Several agencies and organizations are here with information.
Today, staff attended the Hamilton Branch/East Shore Firewise meeting. Presentations by Plumas Firesafe Council and Cal Fire Defensible Space Inspector, Robinson on topics of defensible space, home hardening, and wildfire preparedness
Congradulations to four our very own graduates of the Fire Control Training #23-03 and #23-04 Company Officer Academy. From left Unit Chief, Scott Pacwood, Graduates: Justin McGrath, Michael McKinnon, Taro Lee, Richard Mercadel, and Operations Chief, Adam Mattos.