I get a #telegram bot alert for each #radiosonde launch my station picks up.
(I tap into the chasemap #json with #nodered )
It still blows my mind how well the @vk5qi #auto_rx works with the #airspy R2, good #antenna and #lna
Screenshot from just now.
#telegram #radiosonde #json #nodered #auto_rx #airspy #antenna #lna
Listening in on a Deep-Space Satellite as it Returns Home https://hackaday.com/2023/07/13/listening-in-on-a-deep-space-satellite-as-it-returns-home/ #inferiorconjunction #satellite #stereo-a #solar #space #xband #dish #lna #sdr
#inferiorconjunction #satellite #stereo #solar #space #xband #dish #lna #sdr
Listening in on a Deep-Space Satellite as it Returns Home - We’ve covered dozens of projects about getting images of Earth’s weather straight ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/13/listening-in-on-a-deep-space-satellite-as-it-returns-home/ #inferiorconjunction #satellite #stereo-a #space #solar #xband #dish #lna #sdr
#sdr #lna #dish #xband #solar #space #stereo #satellite #inferiorconjunction
Using an Old Satellite to See the Earth in a New Light - Snooping in on satellites is getting to be quite popular, enough so that the numbe... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/08/using-an-old-satellite-to-see-the-earth-in-a-new-light/ #radiometer #microwave #satellite #coriolis #helical #hackrf #s-band #space #dish #rhcp #lna #sdr
#sdr #lna #rhcp #dish #space #s #hackrf #helical #coriolis #satellite #microwave #radiometer
A Low-Noise Amplifier to Quantify Resistor Noise https://hackaday.com/2023/04/16/a-low-noise-amplifier-to-quantify-resistor-noise/ #noisemeasurement #spectrumanalyzer #Johnson-Nyquist #MiscHacks #hardware #LNA
#noisemeasurement #spectrumanalyzer #johnson #MiscHacks #hardware #lna
A Low-Noise Amplifier to Quantify Resistor Noise - Noise is all around us, and while acoustic noise is easy to spot using our ears, e... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/16/a-low-noise-amplifier-to-quantify-resistor-noise/ #noisemeasurement #spectrumanalyzer #johnson-nyquist #mischacks #hardware #lna
#lna #hardware #mischacks #johnson #spectrumanalyzer #noisemeasurement
#rtlsdrblog #LNA - fortunate that the SDR I am using is one that can power a bias-t, not all of them can. #satellite #sdr #hamradio
#hamradio #sdr #satellite #lna #rtlsdrblog
A Single-Resistor Radio Transmitter, Thanks to the Power of Noise https://hackaday.com/2023/01/27/a-single-resistor-radio-transmitter-thanks-to-the-power-of-noise/ #Johnson-Nyquist #bandpassfilter #WirelessHacks #JohnsonNoise #onoffkeying #modulation #feedhorn #wireless #physics #Thermal #LNA #OOK #sdr
#johnson #bandpassfilter #WirelessHacks #johnsonnoise #onoffkeying #modulation #feedhorn #wireless #physics #thermal #lna #ook #sdr
A Single-Resistor Radio Transmitter, Thanks to the Power of Noise - One of the great things about the Hackaday community is how quickly you find out w... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/27/a-single-resistor-radio-transmitter-thanks-to-the-power-of-noise/ #johnson-nyquist #bandpassfilter #wirelesshacks #johnsonnoise #onoffkeying #modulation #feedhorn #wireless #physics #thermal #lna #ook #sdr
#sdr #ook #lna #thermal #physics #wireless #feedhorn #modulation #onoffkeying #johnsonnoise #wirelesshacks #bandpassfilter #johnson
Very clean decode of this afternoons #radiosonde flight out of #ksan (well, close enough).
The @airframes and @ADSBexchange orange dongles with their built in #LNA are working really well.
Note the lack of data gaps in the telemetry.
Im super happy with the #nodered dashboard code.
The key waw the #chatgpt inverse square law #javascript it wrote for me, still tweaking it, but its going well.
#radiosonde #ksan #lna #nodered #chatgpt #javascript
Take a Deep Dive Into a Commodity Automotive Radar Chip https://hackaday.com/2023/01/17/take-a-deep-dive-into-a-commodity-automotive-radar-chip/ #ReverseEngineering #reverseengineering #automotive #microwave #carradar #Infineon #Doppler #sensor #mixer #radar #LNA #vco
#ReverseEngineering #automotive #microwave #carradar #infineon #doppler #sensor #mixer #radar #lna #vco
Take a Deep Dive Into a Commodity Automotive Radar Chip - When the automobile industry really began to take off in the 1930s, radar was bare... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/17/take-a-deep-dive-into-a-commodity-automotive-radar-chip/ #reverseengineering #automotive #microwave #carradar #infineon #doppler #sensor #mixer #radar #lna #vco
#vco #lna #radar #mixer #sensor #doppler #infineon #carradar #microwave #automotive #reverseengineering
Homebrew Radio Telescope Bags Pulsar https://hackaday.com/2022/05/25/homebrew-radio-telescope-bags-pulsar/ #camelopardalis #radioastronomy #neutronstar #psrb0329+54 #radiohacks #nooelec #rtl-sdr #pulsar #space #lna #sdr
#Camelopardalis #radiohacks #Nooelec #rtl #sdr #lna #radioastronomy #neutronstar #PSRB0329 #pulsar #space
"Ich war an der Schwelle zum Blausein
Und sie war an der Schwelle zum Frausein
Ich war so um die 40
Und sie war 15"
"Das Leben wurde sahnig
So wie 'ne Tortenschnitte"
@udolindenberg in "Lolita"
krass das wusste ich gar nicht. 🤯 #LateNightAlter #LNA @alerari
RT @Kyruer@twitter.com
#Russia|n Wagners (#LNA allies) in #Libya have drawn Nazi symbols in Southern #Tripoli during their retreat.
Pic 3: “I see mosques on Russian soil, but it would be better to see them in hellfire”.
Pic 4: 14/88 is a white supremacist slogan (notice the "white power" phrase).
Libia: la crisi di Haftar e i possibili scenari https://radioblackout.org/2020/05/libia-la-crisi-di-haftar-e-i-possibili-scenari/ #L'informazionediBlackout #AlSarraj #blackout #migranti #guerra #haftar #libia #info #news #gna #lna
#l #alsarraj #blackout #migranti #guerra #haftar #libia #info #news #GNA #lna
Libia: la crisi di Haftar e i possibili scenari https://radioblackout.org/2020/05/libia-la-crisi-di-haftar-e-i-possibili-scenari/ #L'informazionediBlackout #AlSarraj #blackout #migranti #guerra #haftar #libia #info #news #gna #lna
#l #alsarraj #blackout #migranti #guerra #haftar #libia #info #news #gna #lna