Log View Viewer für macOS ???
Es ist keine wirkliche Freude auf einer Sophos Firewall die Logfiles durchzustöbern. Zum Glück gibt es dort aber die Möglichkeit, besagtes Logfile sich runterzuladen. Nun war ich auf der Suche nach einer App, mit der man größere Logfiles einigermassen angenehm durchsuchen und darstellen kann. Ich habe aus dem Mac AppStore die App "
#macOS #lnav #LogViewer #LogfileViewer #macOS #SublimeText
#sublimetext #logfileviewer #logviewer #lnav #macos
@jschauma add a segment on #log parsing to your #systemadministration class (if you see fit). It's painful to learn from scratch with no guidance. The class is already wonderful, but I think that's something that I could have benefited from, given my current headache and work assignment.
My current solution is a combination of #ripgrep, #lnav, and profuse swearing and sweating! If that's the best anyone has figured out though, so be it!
#lnav #ripgrep #systemadministration #log
#lnav has a fairly steep learning curve, but if you are willing to put in the work, it's an amazing tool.
lnav "The Logfile Navigator" looks pretty sweet for crunching logs, I'm trying it out for work but I'll have to unlearn years of habitually reaching for other tools...