We are pleased to announce that registration to this year's annual meeting in memory of Prof. Yossi Sperling is now open, at the link below. The meeting will take place in the Lopatie Hall at the Weizmann Institute on 16 Oct, 2023. We will be celebrating local RNA science, and enjoy contributions from our two wonderful keynote speakers for this year - Marvin Tannenabum and Christin Mayr (see attached poster)
#RNA #mRNA #lncRNA #translation #splicing #transcription
#transcription #splicing #translation #lncRNA #mRNA #rna
My first scientific journal article has been accepted in a prestigious peer-reviewed journal!
Our study delves into the intricate dynamics of LSCC pathogenesis and uncovers valuable insights about the tumor immune microenvironment.
Grateful for the collaborative efforts of my co-authors and the unwavering support of my institution.
#Pathology #pathmastadon #MedMastodon #molecularpathology #lncRNA #LSCC #pathogenesis
Read the article here: https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1h38M1EEMTpurM
#Pathology #pathmastadon #MedMastodon #molecularpathology #lncRNA #lscc #pathogenesis
A new paper from @wu_xuebing 's lab just published @Nature
"Noncoding translation mitigation"
Here are my thoughts:
It is a very interesting paper, and important to anyone working on #translation, particularly from #ncRNAs, but not only.
In brief, they screened short sequences originating from #lncRNA or from non coding regions ( #UTR #intron) (and #mRNA CDS as control) which they fused to GFP at the C-term and looked at GFP expression level.
#mRNA #intron #utr #lncRNA #ncrnas #translation
@marcrr βOver 20 years after the original publication of the human genome, the number of protein-coding genes is stabilizing around 19,500, although the number of isoforms of these genes is still a subject of intensive study and discussion. β¦
In contrast, noncoding RNA genes, particularly lncRNAs, are at an earlier stage of understanding, and are still increasing in number, with current catalogs containing 17,000-20,000 lncRNAs or more.β
#genetics #lncRNA #genes
'When presented to the immune system as either ex vivo-loaded dendritic cells or expressed from a viral vector, lncRNA-derived peptides drove a potent antigen-specific CD8 T lymphocyte response, which translated into a significant delay in tumour growth.'
#immunology #immunotherapy #lncRNA
The role of a novel long non-coding #RNA in the immune escape of #pathogenic #Vibrio in #fish.
#RNA #pathogenic #vibrio #fish #lncRNA
Excited to share our work of the of the last 5 years. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.01.06.523012v1. We found that in response to the ISR, the primate-specific #lncRNA LISR customises the #ribosomes to drive translation of an immune suppressive signature. The signature includes #neoantigens translated from lncRNAs, the #immunecheckpoint receptor PDL1 and the #glycocalyx. LISR KD restores sensitivity to #immunecheckpointblockade in #melanoma and possibly in other cancers.
#lncRNA #ribosomes #neoantigens #immunecheckpoint #glycocalyx #immunecheckpointblockade #Melanoma
Our first #NRMCBReview of 2023 is out now and it's a special one! John Mattick and colleagues have put together a Consensus Statement addressing the definition, nomenclature and classification of long non-coding RNAs.
Have a read here: πhttps://bit.ly/3ZaRz7V
This is neat!
A paper in @eLife from Anne-Catherine Prats lab (U Toulouse) looking at #IRES regulation.
They show that #mRNA with IRES in #cardiomyocytes interactes with #lncRNA NEAT1 in nuclear paraspeckles, and suggest an assembly of an "IRESome" -with paraspeckle-related proteins - that regulates IRES-dependent translation (here - upon hypoxia).
#lncRNA #cardiomyocytes #mRNA #ires
The post below reminded me of a visit to the HQ of IonTorrent, then in beta stage
The building was RIGHT on Long Island sound, with a spectacular view
The road crossed a bridge that was slanted and underwater at high tide
#labwork #ngs #molecularbio #sequencing #transcriptomics #lncRNA #epigenetic
#bioinformatics #NGS
#bioinformatics #epigenetic #lncRNA #Transcriptomics #sequencing #molecularbio #ngs #labwork
Our preprint with https://www.twitter.com/MorganMacKenz12 , the Soleimani lab at Nephrology https://www.twitter.com/UNMHSC, https://www.twitter.com/UNM & the research staff at https://www.twitter.com/UNM_CTSC regarding simultaneous short non-coding e.g. #mirna & long coding or noncoding #RNA on the long read sequencing #nanopore platform @nanopore https://www.twitter.com/nanopore.
Tootorial to follow! #sequencing #transcriptomics #lncRNA #epigenetic
#bioinformatics #NGS
#miRNA #RNA #nanopore #sequencing #Transcriptomics #lncRNA #epigenetic #bioinformatics #ngs
After some β, we carry on with the talk of our own #RegRNALab member, Dr. Jose Antonio Corona (@JAntonioCorona@twitter.com) talking about his work on the conservation of #lncRNA structure in plants π±. #AcademicDays2022
#regrnalab #lncRNA #academicdays2022
If you are attending the @NanoporeConf@twitter.com #nanoporeconf next week @MorganMacKenz12@twitter.com and I will presenting what (we think) is the first #microrna + #codingRNA+ #lncRNA #sequencing at Poster 24.
The stuff that one can measure *quantitatively* on @nanopore@twitter.com are limited by one's imagination , understanding of the enzymes of molecular biology & willingness to experiment with this versatile, open and inexpensive platform.
(Note we will be attending virtually).
#nanoporeconf #MicroRNA #codingrna #lncRNA #sequencing
More than time for an #introduction.
I am a #CNRS researcher working at IPS2 (UniversitΓ© Paris-Saclay, π«π· ) interested in long non-coding RNAs (#lncRNAs) and how they regulate other genes and could provide adaptative behaviour to #plants (π±, π ).
I combine different #quantitative π approaches spanning several scales such as molecular biology π§¬π₯Ό, #genomics, #ImageAnalysis π¬π₯π· .
Expect scientific toots covering #lncRNA #GeneRegulation #epigenetic #root #bioinformatics #transcriptomics #LabLife
#lablife #Transcriptomics #bioinformatics #root #epigenetic #generegulation #lncRNA #ImageAnalysis #genomics #quantitative #plants #lncrnas #cnrs #introduction
How does N6-methylA (m6A) #RNAmodification influence lncRNAs? @DrPorman @ChromaTownie &co show that the #lncRNA HOTAIR represses or activates genes, depending on a single #m6A modification, to affect #BreastCancer cell biology @rnabioco #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3VzO5ZT
#plosbiology #breastcancer #m6a #lncRNA #rnamodification
How does N6-methylA (m6A) #RNAmodification influence lncRNAs? @DrPorman @ChromaTownie &co show that the #lncRNA HOTAIR represses or activates genes, depending on a single #m6A modification, to affect #BreastCancer cell biology @rnabioco #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3VzO5ZT
#plosbiology #breastcancer #m6a #lncRNA #rnamodification
How does N6-methylA (m6A) #RNAmodification influence lncRNAs? @DrPorman @ChromaTownie &co show that the #lncRNA HOTAIR represses or activates genes, depending on a single #m6A modification, to affect #BreastCancer cell biology @rnabioco #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3VzO5ZT
#plosbiology #breastcancer #m6a #lncRNA #rnamodification
RT @bakergroupcvs
The Baker(y) group is expanding π₯³ We have another exciting #postdoc position available, funded by @ERC_Research to explore #lncRNA in #CardiovascularDisease β€οΈ
#postdoc #lncRNA #cardiovasculardisease
RT @BrandesLab@twitter.com
Weβve just published another paper on #lncRNA triplex formation, this time in @NatureComms@twitter.com! Well done Matthias and everyone else who was involved! @Schwalbe_BMRZ@twitter.com @TheMarcelSchulz@twitter.com @Ralf_P_Brandes@twitter.com @vanvanka123@twitter.com
π¦π: https://twitter.com/BrandesLab/status/1589562729089495040