Drexel MCBG Thesis Defense 🧬 🧬 🧬
Zahra Charania, MCBG, MS Candidate
Tuesday, August 8, 2023, 1:00 p.m. NCB, Room 11-101
Identifying conserved regions in lncRNA SChLAP1
Mentor: Dr. Srinivas Somarowthu
Drexel University College of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
#GraduateStudent #GraduateStudies #BiomedicalScience #RNA #lncRNA #CellBiology #MolecularBiology #Biochemistry
#graduatestudent #graduatestudies #biomedicalscience #rna #lncrna #cellbiology #molecularbiology #biochemistry
#LncRNA NRON promotes #tumorigenesis by regulating #MDM2/#MDMX heterodimerization and enhancing their #ubiquitin-dependent degradation of multiple #tumorsuppressor proteins
Erwei Song, Man-Li Luo and coworkers
#lncrna #tumorigenesis #mdm2 #Ubiquitin #tumorsuppressor
LncRNA FLAIL affects alternative #splicing and represses flowering in #Arabidopsis
Sebastian Marquardt and coworkers identify #FLAIL as a trans-acting #lncRNA that targets the #spliceosome and regulates plant #flowering by promoting expression of the #laccase LAC8
#splicing #arabidopsis #flail #lncrna #spliceosome #flowering #laccase
Five of our researchers receive the prestigious #ERC Consolidator Grants by
the European Research Council for projects on #GreenhouseGas, #ProteinBiochemistry, #lncRNA, #neutrinos and #metabolism! Congrats 🎉: http://go.tum.de/805057
#ERCCoG #ResearchFunding
📷A. Eckert
#erc #greenhousegas #proteinbiochemistry #lncrna #neutrinos #metabolism #erccog #researchfunding
This study on translation of small open reading frames proposes to rename #lncRNA as "long non-canonical #RNA ".
Seems a much better descriptor to me! (Not confidant it will catch on though...). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36316320/