On #breakfastnews this morning Lisa Millar & Stephanie Boris attacked Catherine King decision not to allow extra Qatar fights. Now we learn that Qatar assaulted Australian women back in 2018. The media knew this but conspired with #LNP bc they want a Labor scalp! #auspol
#LNP 467 Generationsflüchtling
Camp 2023 — Botnet lahmgelegt — Stalkerware lahmgelegt — Digital #Fail — #Digitalpolitik der #Ampel — Digitale #Patientenakte und #ERezept — #Selbstbestimmungsgesetz — #Twitter ist jetzt #X — Radio Dreyeckland — #LetzteGeneration — Clown gegen Clown — Zugstop
Da ist sie also endlich, die erste reguläre Sendung nach der Sommerpause, die nur durch die Live-Sendung von Camp 2023 unterbrochen wurde.
Wir blicken kurz auf die Sendung und andere Beiträge von uns auf dem Camp zurück und wenden uns dann wieder den netzpolitischen und sonstigen Themen zu.
Logbuch: #Netzpolitik: LNP467 Generationsflüchtling
Webseite der Episode:
#netzpolitik #LetzteGeneration #x #twitter #selbstbestimmungsgesetz #erezept #patientenakte #ampel #digitalpolitik #fail #lnp
Conservative party ex-senator called an aboriginal educator "fuckwit". 🙄
If you believe the Religious Right the end is Nigh. Maybe it is but not from the Voice that they want to Deny but from Climate change they do deny #LNP #TheVoiceAU #VoteYesAustralia #satire #ClimateAction
#lnp #thevoiceau #voteyesaustralia #satire #climateaction
#Vejon Health: Post Vax/Long #COVID Congress – The Silent Disaster
Lots of good speakers on the ticket.
#vejon #covid #SARSCoV2 #sars2 #LongCovid #prion #spikeprotien #spike #amyloidogenic #transfection #amyloids #amyloidosis #alzheimers #dementia #gof #GainOfFunction #sv40 #simianvirus #GP120 #aids #hiv #bioweapon #VaccineDamage #vaccines #COVID19 #mrna #dna #rna #microclots #clots #AdverseEvents #lipidnanoparticle #lnp #ClotShot #incapacitatingagent
Großartige Folge von Logbuch:Netzpolitik #LNP. Julian Hessenthaler hat @timpritlove und @linuzifer unter den Tisch gesoffen. https://media.ccc.de/v/camp2023-57092-logbuch
So.. Fiona Broom's #ABC Rural piece on farmers potentially shooting sheep due to their not being worth shipping to market, was not the full quid.
Per it's title, I do agree that #Farmers are likely to be in that quandary, and I have sympathy for that, definitely.
However she goes on to quote that a Butcher states buyers will be better off at butchers, on a per Kg basis, & quotes his mince price vs supermarkets .. to be 2$ better, saying buyers best shop around.
I could not agree more with the latter.
I live in #Canberra, smack dab in Sheep country, what that butcher asserts, might be true their, here it's a different story entirely. The "Urban" butcher here, being quite literally double the per Kg price for a #lamb leg. (ie the 'Meat' in question for the Titled article, no less)
Lamb Leg Roast per Kg as at 08/23:
Coles $12
Butcher $25
Aldi $11
Hope editorial standards get some love, post the #LNP's failed 'Hand picked Hacks' exit.
#abc #farmers #canberra #lamb #lnp
@jhaue The #LNP appears hell bent on maintaining Great Silence with the #VoteNo to the #VoicetoParliament
#lnp #VoteNo #voicetoparliament
F Me The #ABC giving the Senator for #SportsRorts a platform for the #LNP to the Queensland and Federal Labor governments a free unchallenged whack over the Commonwealth and Olympic Games “go slow” decision by the #PM. Seriously #ABCTV should be rebranded #NewsCorpseLite #Auspol
#abc #sportsrorts #lnp #pm #abctv #newscorpselite #auspol
@Hannibal_ What? You disapointed that it'll happen at half the rate the coalition will manage it ??
You could resurect Theis and his 'mate' Joh, between 'em they can do square kilometers at a time with a giant chain a pair of bulldozers .... (and get it done a much faster rate) #LNP #Auspol ...
When you hear the term ‘Carbon Offset Scheme’ you think what a joke. Another grifter tool introduced by the #lnp.
Wäre echt nice wenn auf den Sitzbänken bei den Vorträgen nicht geraucht werden würde. Musste jetzt 2 Minuten bevor "Logbuch: Netzpolitik" los ging meinen Platz räumen, weil ein Mensch auf der Bank hinter mir Zigarettenrauch in meine Richtung geblasen hat. Und nein, ich habe nichts gesagt, weil ich mit schmerzenden Bronchien davon gestürmt bin. Bisschen mehr Rücksichtnahme bitte #cccamp23 #lnp
Not sure if I'll ever get over how close those barbarians - Australia's recent conservative government (#LNP)came to destroying one of this nation's national treasures. Amongst all the other social vandalism they wrought.
Much of the ABC's online archives of radio programs and news stories disappeared early on in the LNP's tenure as their vindictive funding cuts took effect, too.
It will be 20 years before the #lnp’s nuclear option can deliver. No one is going to wait that long for a solution so aside from being populist, this policy is a non starter as it will be overtaken by events. The deployment of cheap renewable energy makes most commercial arguments for reactors less likely. Will there be nuclear fission in Australia’s future, possibly but will it be anything but a bit player? Probably not.
#lnp #nuclear #nuclearpower #renewableenergy