(See screenshot below)
Deception and deliberate misleading/lying to Govt. Boris Johnson is being called to account this week and faces being expunged from Parliament as well as losing his seat.
Albanese should take note that Morrison should be scrutinised for his behaviour, for the sake of the integrity of high office and the protection of our democracy.
#AusPolitics #Auspol2023 #lnpcorruption #LNPCriminals #LNPCrime #MorrisonFailure
#auspolitics #auspol2023 #lnpcorruption #lnpcriminals #lnpcrime #morrisonfailure
Stuart Robert’s refusal to take the blame for robodebt isn’t just offensive, it’s terrifying. #robodebtRC #stuartrobert #corruption #lnpcorruption #auspol #Auspol2023 #accountabilitymatters https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/commentisfree/2023/mar/04/stuart-roberts-refusal-to-take-the-blame-for-robodebt-isnt-just-offensive-its-terrifying?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#robodebtrc #stuartrobert #corruption #lnpcorruption #auspol #auspol2023 #accountabilitymatters
Gina Rinehart's company Hancock Prospecting gave an undeclared $144,000 to the Liberal Party via a circuitous route involving the Sydney Mining Club.
#auspol #LNPcorruption #PeterDutton
#auspol #lnpcorruption #peterdutton
Former NSW deputy premier John Barilaro's appointment to a lucrative US trade job was a "sorry saga" with all the hallmarks of a "job for the boys", a parliamentary inquiry has found.
Via #SBS #Auspol #LNPCorruption
Remember when they defended Julia Gillard, Christina Holgate, Grace Tame, Brittany Higgins, Jacque Lambie & female protesters…..neither do I #auspol #lnpcorruption #lnpfail
#auspol #lnpcorruption #lnpfail
#auspol #LNPcorruption 4 in 5 of us support a powerful federal integrity body. With an election looming, the public are demanding action and Labor and the crossbench are on the attack. It's the perfect time to ramp up the pressure. Sign the petition now!