RT @CaraMia200@twitter.com
#LNP insidious undermining of Ms.Burney’s undertakings & gaslighting about what #VoiceToParliament will mean, have softened support for #VoteYES positn.
LNP’s mindlessly vandalise a noble, grassroots movement from within #IndigenousCommunities - not Canberra.
#LNPdisgrace #Auspol https://twitter.com/joshbutler/status/1671013700164276224
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CaraMia200/status/1671029091146010624
#lnp #voicetoparliament #voteyes #indigenouscommunities #lnpdisgrace #auspol
There’s been much discussion lately about how Australia interacts with Pacific Nations and Labor has made inroads with its approach post election, following 10 years of neglect from the L/NP coalition. However, in none of these discussions in the Australian media have I heard articulated the role New Zealand has played both historically and contemporarily in the region. This appears to me to be a grave oversight given the close relationships that already exist with New Zealand
#TheDrum #ForeignAffairs #NewZealand #Pacific #Labor #LNPDisgrace #AusPol
#thedrum #foreignaffairs #newzealand #pacific #labor #lnpdisgrace #auspol
Robodebt Royal Commission & it’ll come as no surprise Scott Morrison is dodging questions
"Look could we just have your evidence, Mr Morrison, not Ms Wilson's evidence? Can you please answer the question, if you can?"
"Mr Morrison, this has got nothing to do with the question you were asked,"
“Stick to answering the question"
Slippery as a snake #LiarFromTheShire #robodebt #LNParasites #LNPDisgrace
#LiarFromTheShire #robodebt #lnparasites #lnpdisgrace
Robodebt victims head into the inquiry to tell their simple truths. Morrison and his mates head in “all lawyered up” to perpetrate their lies and keep their secrets safe. Is it a truism that the more you spend on legal advice the less the truth and justice is on your side? #auspol #LNPDisgrace #morrison
#auspol #lnpdisgrace #morrison
RT @awhitedingo@twitter.com
Albo Defeats Scummo
#auspol #LNPCrimeFamily #LNPCorruptionParty #LNPDisgrace #ScottyTheCompletePsycho #ScottyThePathologicalLiar #AlboForPM #Albo4PM
Mummy version
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/awhitedingo/status/1496843304171806721
#auspol #lnpcrimefamily #lnpcorruptionparty #lnpdisgrace #ScottyTheCompletePsycho #scottythepathologicalliar #AlboForPM #albo4pm