from the bird site:
LORD ♛ Tom Wynn THE WOKE BLOKE @mister_wynn
Angus Taylor denied he changed the law to hide big electricity price rises days before the election was called.
New docs prove not only did he actively make the decision to hide them but Morrison & Frydenberg were in on it.
The last public #robodebtRC viewing this Friday was harrowing. Heartbreaking testimony presented by victims of #robodebt Unimaginable trauma they have been and are still suffering.
Monstrous actions perpetrated by the former Liberal National Party Gov. enabled by the senior Australian public servants. Total evil. #auspol The major players all knew robodebt was illegal, still they pushed through with their bastardry and never "Turned their minds" to the Australian lives destroyed. #LNPNeverAgain #LNP
#robodebtrc #robodebt #auspol #lnpneveragain #lnp
"Michael Pascoe: Coalition had more bullets for the ‘undeserving’ poor"
The bastardry of the former Liberal/National Party Gov. aided and abetted by the public servants. Absolute Criminals.
#auspol #robodebt #LNP #APS #robodebtRC #LNPNeverAgain
#auspol #robodebt #lnp #aps #robodebtrc #lnpneveragain
#auspol The disgraceful treatment of Brittany Higgins by #Newscorpse & ACT Police continues. Surely the cowards running soon about Linda Reynolds ( she of the lying cow line) being a victim don’t actually think this is believable? #LNPNeverAgain #Thisisnotjournalism
#auspol #newscorpse #lnpneveragain #Thisisnotjournalism
OMG too distracted by LNP embarrassments at #RobodebtRC to catch up with Abbott’s appalling gushing over Pell today. #LNPNeverAgain is not strong enough for what I want to say about these ghouls!!!
If only we had the likes of Catherine Holmes in politics instead of the appalling Tudge, Morrison and Porter clones. So thankful to see the back of #LNPCorruptionParty #LNPNeverAgain #RobodebtRC
#lnpcorruptionparty #lnpneveragain #robodebtrc
The #LNPCorruptionParty are literally going to throw a dead body under the bus in #RoboDebtRC
All the feels for the Golightly family
#lnpcorruptionparty #robodebtrc #lnpneveragain
What a sad reminder these hearings are that the #LNPCorruptionParty only cared about publicity instead of policy, spin instead of substance, media management instead of common human fucking decency
#lnpcorruptionparty #lnpneveragain #robodebtrc
So the cookers and right wing nutters want Albo to resign over having a beer at the tennis. They didn’t seem to have a problem with Scomo throwing a few back at the NRL. The hypocrisy and intolerance of the right! #auspol #rwnjs #LNPNeverAgain
Linda Reynolds suing Brittany Higgins’ partner for defamation. Reynolds says she wants to “protect her reputation”.
The audacity of this repugnant woman, after the vile way she and her corrupt party treated Brittany.
#auspol #LNPNeverAgain #LNPCrimeFamily #istandwithbrittany
#auspol #lnpneveragain #lnpcrimefamily #istandwithbrittany
#LNPCrimeFamily & Co(CONspirators).
Deliberate misinformation.
Deliberate omission.
Deliberate cruelty.
Vote & Pffft. #LNPNeverAgain.
#auspol #Robodebt #RobodebtRC #NACC 🦄💩🚮
#lnpcrimefamily #lnpneveragain #auspol #robodebt #robodebtrc #nacc
RT Interesting that managed to employ so many people who apparently when appearing before the #RobodebtRC have problems recalling things! #auspol #LNPNeverAgain
#robodebtrc #auspol #lnpneveragain
RT @RupertsConscie1's easier to tear things down, obstruct and wreck than it is to build and create.
Ignore the wreckers and the #LNPNeverAgain
#voteyes #thevoice #lnpneveragain
The antithesis of Sisterhood #LNPNeverAgain
RT this not just the
its right wing Gov's across the globe
they want to reduce / remove ppls rights
reduce or take away vital services
give tax breaks to big biz & the wealthy
all while screwing the average worker
families & the environment
RT @JayJay91341991
Simon Birmingham giving Penny Wong advice on how to deal with China on her upcoming visit, would have to be one of the biggest piss takes of the year.🤣🤡🤪
#auspol #Beijing #LNPNeverAgain #LNPCorruptionParty #RWNJ
#auspol #beijing #lnpneveragain #lnpcorruptionparty #rwnj
RT @TheBigShip
Surely given what we now know about the lying Morrison & his corrupt modus operandi, every one of his ‘captain’s pick’ public appointments should be annulled? #auspol #LNPNeverAgain #MorrisonMustGo #LNPCrimeFamily #AlboIsOurPM
#auspol #lnpneveragain #morrisonmustgo #lnpcrimefamily #alboisourpm
RT @beer_nun
@KobieThatcher The less corrupt govt is, the happier you will be.
It’s unbelievable that so many people out there still don’t realise this. #LNPNeverAgain
Ho Ho Ho!
You can see why Murdoch and the Coalition are acting like desperadoes.
Ouch, that's gotta hurt 😂
#merrychristmas #labor #murdochguttermedia #lnpneveragain #auspol
"Philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau once noted: “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”
That concept must resonate with Anthony Albanese, whose patience, discipline and cool-headed strategic thinking delivered Labor victory in the May election.
As a result, Albanese is now sitting in the Lodge, chowing down on the fruit of his success.
By contrast, vanquished prime minister Scott Morrison ends his year a beaten man whose time in office has emerged as a case study in the danger of hubris and overreach."
#auspol #LNPNeverAgain