Wir freuen uns sehr, heute Wilfried aus Neunkirchen in unserem Netzwerk begrüßen zu dürfen und danken für Dein gesetztes solidarisches Zeichen in unserem Netzwerk "Leben ohne Armut".
#BGE #Bedingungslos #Bewusstsein #Grundeinkommen #ABGE #Leben_ohne_Armut #LoA
#bge #bedingungslos #bewusstsein #grundeinkommen #abge #leben_ohne_armut #loa
Wir freuen uns sehr, heute Georg aus dem Bezirk Mattersburg (Burgenland) in unserem Netzwerk begrüßen zu dürfen und danken für Dein gesetztes solidarisches Zeichen in unserem Netzwerk „Leben ohne Armut".
#BGE #Bedingungslos #Grundeinkommen #LebenOhneArmut #LoA #ABGE
#bge #bedingungslos #grundeinkommen #lebenohnearmut #loa #abge
Wir freuen uns sehr, heute Chris aus Wien-Penzing in unserem Netzwerk begrüßen zu dürfen und danken für Dein gesetztes solidarisches Zeichen in unserem Netzwerk „Leben ohne Armut".
#BGE #Bedingungslos #Grundeinkommen #LebenOhneArmut #LoA #ABGE
#bge #bedingungslos #grundeinkommen #lebenohnearmut #loa #abge
Perhaps Angie's father had designed his handiwork invisible to the scans of the neuro-technicians. Bobby had his own theory: Legba, the #loa Beauvoir credited w/almost infinite access to the cyberspace matrix, could alter the flow of data.
ANGIE: Continuity
CONTINUITY: Hello, Angie
A: The folklore of console jockeys
C: What would you like to know?
A: #WhenItChanged
C: 1 mythform assumes the cyberspace matrix is inhabited by entities corresponding w/the primary mythform of a 'hidden people'
The #loa had guided her, when she'd set out w/Bobby to build her 3rd & current life. They were well matched, Angie & Bobby, born out of vacuums:
> Angie from the clean blank kingdom of Maas Biolabs
> Bobby from the boredom of Barrytown, NJ
MAMAN BRIGITTE [eldest of the dead]: Child, know me. I have no cult, no special altar…You are summoned to my reposoir. Your father drew #vévés in your head, in a flesh that was not flesh. Legba led you into the world, but you were sent poison, a ~coup poudre~
RT @Terredeliens
Il est encore temps de participer ! #LOA @franceinfo https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/emploi/metiers/agriculture/loi-d-orientation-agricole-une-consultation-citoyenne-organisee-en-catimini-denoncent-des-associations-ecologistes_5794268.html
"Faites entendre votre voix pour un système alimentaire juste, durable et résilient !"
https://fne.asso.fr/actualites/faites-entendre-votre-voix-pour-un-systeme-alimentaire-juste-durable-et-resilient #LOA #LOAA
Loi d'orientation agricole : une consultation citoyenne organisée "en catimini", dénoncent des associations écologistes https://francetvinfo.fr/economie/emploi/metiers/agriculture/loi-d-orientation-agricole-une-consultation-citoyenne-organisee-en-catimini-denoncent-des-associations-ecologistes_5794268.html
#LOA #LOAA #Agriculture #climat
#loa #loaa #agriculture #climat
RT @Terredeliens
Seulement deux petites semaines, en plein cœur des vacances de Pâques, pour consulter les Français et les Françaises sur l’avenir de notre agriculture... #LOA @FranceAgricole https://www.lafranceagricole.fr/actualites/article/839357/15-jours-de-consultation-publique-et-pourquoi-pas-24-heures
RT @Terredeliens
#LOA : la consultation citoyenne sur la future Loi d’Orientation Agricole a enfin été lancée vendredi dernier. Mais seulement pour 15 jours...
Il est temps que le @gouvernementFR assume ses véritables ambitions ! https://terredeliens.org/national/actu/loi-dorientation-agricole-15-jours-consultation-citoyenne/
Last week was a big energetic week! We had the New Moon in Aires, Spring Equinox + Age of Aquarius.
How have you been experiencing these energies in your life?
#tarot #astrology #spirituality #divine #sacred #equinox #spring #aires #aquarius #loa #rituals
#tarot #astrology #spirituality #divine #sacred #equinox #spring #aires #aquarius #loa #rituals
www.moniquestarot.com Last week was a big energetic week! We had the New Moon in Aires, Spring Equinox + Age of Aquarius (Articles in link above)
How have you been experiencing these energies in your life?
#tarot #astrology #spirituality #divine #sacred #equinox #spring #aires #aquarius #loa #rituals
#tarot #astrology #spirituality #divine #sacred #equinox #spring #aires #aquarius #loa #rituals
Merci à @FPurseigle@twitter.com et Bertrand Hervieu pour leur éclairage aujourd’hui à l’@AssembleeNat@twitter.com devant le groupe trans partisan sur le foncier agricole. Comprendre la mutation sociologique en amont de la #LOA
“For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?” - Matthew 7:8-9. #LOA #ImaginePeace #peace #prem #silentsunday #contemplation
#loa #imaginepeace #peace #prem #silentsunday #contemplation
❤️ Papa Legba ❤️ #legba #papalegba #voodoo #hoodoo #loa #orishas #yoruba #ancestors #kemet
#legba #papalegba #voodoo #hoodoo #loa #orishas #yoruba #ancestors #kemet
Jopeeee, nork esan behar zidan soka instumentuekin zaletu behar nintzenik! :) #HarpaJotzen #Loa #AitziberGarmendia
#harpajotzen #loa #aitzibergarmendia
Every day is precious. Sending good and abundant thoughts to you and the world on this precious day… #ernestholmes #loa #scienceofthemind
#ernestholmes #loa #scienceofthemind
RT BillMoore20: The secret of being happy....
#nsfw? #crablouse: When the "crabs" and the "lice" on your genital bush mate and have children and turn into a super parisite. Very devastating to your genital skin. #UrbanDicriinary
#nowplaying: #LordsofAcid - #TheCrablouse
The „young women in suspenders with katana and machine guns“ movie #SuckerPunch made the song accessible to a wider audience. #LoA’‘s shows in the 90s were said to be quite explicit …
#Noise23 #dance #electronic
#nsfw #crablouse #urbandicriinary #nowplaying #lordsofacid #thecrablouse #suckerpunch #loa #noise23 #dance #electronic