Pope tells #Loach et al: ‘you’re like a prophet confronting false myths and schemes’ https://skwawkbox.org/2023/06/26/pope-tells-loach-et-al-youre-like-a-prophet-confronting-false-myths-and-schemes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pope-tells-loach-et-al-youre-like-a-prophet-confronting-false-myths-and-schemes
Britain’s Socialist Cinema Master
For over six decades, Ken #Loach – who turns 87 today – has made powerful, committed work that unmasks exploitation and highlights ordinary peoples’ struggles against injustice.
Jewish representative group stands up for Ken #Loach https://voxpoliticalonline.com/2023/06/11/jewish-representative-group-stands-up-for-ken-loach/
Mayor slams #Labour for blocking candidacy after stage appearance with Ken #Loach https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/ken-loach-daniel-blake-labour-mayor-north-east-b2351147.html
Akehurst says no one who shares a platform with #Loach “could possibly be a #Labour candidate”… https://skwawkbox.org/2023/06/03/akehurst-says-no-one-who-shares-a-platform-with-loach-could-possibly-be-a-labour-candidate/
Ken #Loach claims #antisemitism is being used to oust #Labour left politicians https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/ken-loach-labour-jewish-north-east-mayor-b2350879.html
Starmer’s #Labour factionalism row after mayor blocked ‘over Ken #Loach discussion’
Video: #Loach, #Lafferty discuss #war, #refugees, decimated UK #communities and their new film https://skwawkbox.org/2023/05/29/video-loach-lafferty-discuss-war-refugees-decimated-uk-communities-and-their-new-film/
#communities #refugees #war #Lafferty #loach
The Old Oak review – Ken #Loach’s fierce final call for compassion and solidarity https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/may/26/the-old-oak-review-ken-loach-cannes-film-festival
This Ken #Loach takedown of Keir #Starmer is so well-crafted, you need to see it! https://voxpoliticalonline.com/2023/04/27/this-ken-loach-takedown-of-keir-starmer-is-so-well-crafted-you-need-to-see-it/
Ken #Loach wants #Corbyn to seek election against Starmer’s #Labour https://voxpoliticalonline.com/2023/04/26/ken-loach-wants-corbyn-to-seek-election-against-starmers-labour/
#BBC shut down of Ken #Loach could not be more symbolic https://dorseteye.com/bbc-shut-down-of-ken-loach-could-not-be-more-symbolic/
Meet the latest #NewSpecies of #fish (#Loach)
Nemacheilus cacao (Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae)
From the middle Mekong Basin in Laos. Nov. 2022
Link https://lkcnhm.nus.edu.sg/publications/raffles-bulletin-of-zoology/volumes/volume-70/
Webcomic update, available on Patreon.
#webcomic #comicart #loach’sgrudge #taylorandfriends
#taylorandfriends #loach #comicart #webcomic
New Loach’s Grudge update on Patreon.
#webcomic #comic #Loach’sGrudge
Webcomic update, live on Patreon.
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#loach #varoufakis #starmer #labour #purge #socialism #uk #global
Yanis Varoufakis:
“I just heard that Keir Starmer expelled Ken Loach from the Labour Party. I hope this is fake news.
“If not, all he managed is to expel Labour's soul, leaving behind an arid, soulless Labour Party - one that is even poorer than under Blair."
Me? Amen!
Toot Redux (first published 5th December 2020)
Time to cut up your membership cards and 'Go Green'?
#global #loach #varoufakis #starmer #labour #purge #socialism #uk