Martin Schäfer · @demeco_project
118 followers · 116 posts · Server

TIL: (thanks I guess): "Aufguss" is already a in , and it is actually a form of experimental theater:

"This is “Aufguss”, a German term for “infusion” that has been translated for American audiences as “wellness theater”. The art form, long popular in Europe, is getting its North American debut in an unexpected place: Sin City"

Ok, for reasons of fairness, I also tag this as


#badtranslation #english #loanword #german #theguardian

Last updated 1 year ago

Electropict · @electropict
17 followers · 277 posts · Server

There ought to be (perhaps there is?) a compound German word ready to import to English meaning the sense of unease that comes with observing the blindness of recent generations (including those older than us) to history and willingness to do it again BECAUSE it didn’t work first time.

Something like...

(Apologies for nonexistent German.)

Or maybe some other language has a word.

#loanword #deutsche #language

Last updated 1 year ago

Martin Schäfer · @demeco_project
109 followers · 105 posts · Server

Casual reminder that the "nice" looks like it is becoming more and more normalized in . From what I observe it is still mostly used by younger speakers, but including early twenties, and not just in simple affirmative predicative usages ("Nice!"), but also with attributive usages in the nominative or accusative case, here two recent examples:
attributive "nice", nominative case: "Ein richtig nicer Job!" [20.5., female speaker, in conversation with male, both twenty-somethings, Leipzig]
attributive "nice", accusative: "Und ich hab nicht son nicen Park in der Nähe, also nicht so wirklich" [28.5., female speaker, in conversation with female, again both twenty-somethings, Leipzig]

#germanconversationsnippets #german #loanword #english

Last updated 1 year ago

Thomas Beutel · @beutelevision
203 followers · 355 posts · Server

Today's fun with ChatGPT: Please create a German loanword that means "that strange feeling of separation when you cross the event horizon of a black hole." It is OK if it is hypothetical.

Answer: As a language model, I can generate a hypothetical German loanword that could mean "that strange feeling of separation when you cross the event horizon of a black hole." Based on the components of the experience, I might suggest "Schwarzlochentfremdung" (black hole alienation) or "Ereignishorizonttrennung" (event horizon separation) as possible loanwords. However, it's worth noting that these are not commonly used terms, and their adoption as loanwords would depend on their acceptance and use by German speakers.

#schwarzlochentfremdung #ereignishorizonttrennung #chatgpt #german #loanword

Last updated 1 year ago

Today was the first time I used gender neutral language in uni stuff (it was a test). I hope the professor understands that "usuárie" means user and that "nal" means "in the".

And yes, I'm borrowing 's "al" (the) as the neuter variant of the defininte article in (the masc. and fem. forms are "o" & "a", respectively). It's the best option I found but it isn't popular (yet).

I only felt "safe" becouse the prof writes "usuári@s" (users).

#arabic #portuguese #genderneutrallanguage #loanword

Last updated 2 years ago