Sascha Wolfer · @sascha_wolfer
544 followers · 403 posts · Server

In a previous corpus-linguistic study (, we found that built only with 'native' material are accepted faster into the German language than from .

Back then, we operationalized 'acceptance into the language' by the amount of 'flagging' (use of linguistic markers, e.g. quotes or "so-called").

#English #loanwords #language #neologisms

Last updated 1 year ago

Martine Mussies :verified: · @martinemussies
290 followers · 457 posts · Server

I am curious about the extent to which the Dutch colonization of Taiwan in the 17th century facilitated language contact and exchange, and how it influenced the presence of Dutch loanwords (or even syntactic similarities, and language structures) in contemporary regional Sinitic languages. Are there people / folks living in here who know some Dutch loanwords in their language(s)?

@japanfans @languagelovers

#Taiwanese #taiwan #tootsea #linguistics #formosa #loanwords #chinese #colonization

Last updated 1 year ago

Bibliolater 📚📜🖋📐 · @bibliolater
333 followers · 1256 posts · Server
beSpacific · @bespacific
839 followers · 1569 posts · Server
Simon · @simonwilliamson
46 followers · 205 posts · Server

It just only occurred to me that English 'deliver' and German 'liefern' might be related. I checked and found that they both come from Latin 'līberō' via French 'delivrer' and 'livrer'.
, , , ,

#english #german #french #latin #loanwords

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Penner · @Arpie4Math
71 followers · 239 posts · Server

As I linger, COVID-leary, hunting for distraction,
I scrape the barrel of screen-inaction,
Seeking in my lackadaisical fashion,
For a hint of intellectual satisfaction.

Lo in the credits now unwinding,
A mystery of linguistic pining,
How does this borrowed thing,
Appear in transliteration surprising?


One of the features of Japanese is that it is filled with words borrowed from Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, German, and English. Some have familiar meanings and pronunciations, and some have been remixed in ways that you might need a detective to unravel.

While de-stressing with some low-conflict anime¹, I watched the end credits scroll by and wondered why 「キャスト」(kyasuto) was the transliteration chosen for "cast". The 「キャ」(kya) mora (syllable) seemed like an odd choice in the absence of other factors.

The villain, as I see it, appears to be either a conscious choice to separate English homophones, or (perhaps more likely) two unrelated borrowings from different dialects of English.

US "cast" → /kæst/ → キャスト
UK "caste" → /kɑːst/ → カースト
But in either US or UK English, "cast" and "caste" are homophones! (Sometimes even along with "karst".)

On the Mac command line, we can recover much of the detail, without human contact because some text-to-speech engines approximate English, Japanese, or IPA phonetics. (But not one does all three.)

say -v Victoria -r 120 cast caste ; say -v Victoria -r 120 '/kæst/' '/kɑːst/' ; say -v Daniel cast caste ; say -v Kyoko -r 120 'キャスト、カースト'


¹ Hulu in the US has both Bofuri (痛いのは嫌なので防御力に極振りしたいと思います) and By the Grace of the Gods (神達に拾われた男) which feature gentle, stress-free fun

#loanwords #japanese #anime #english #katakana #poetry #doggerel #phonetics #mac

Last updated 2 years ago

ITI German Network · @ITIGerNet
30 followers · 31 posts · Server

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
To mark the event, here are some English (& German) loan words which reportedly originated from the Irish language.
clock/Glocke (clocc)
slew (sluagh)
brogues (bróg)
galore (go leor)
phoney (fáinne)
slogan (sluagh-ghairm)
smithereens (smidiríní)
Can you think of any others?

#stpatricksday2023 #etymology #loanwords

Last updated 2 years ago

Itanglese e forestierismi · @itanglese
1524 followers · 438 posts · Server
Lauren Hall-Lew · @dialect
604 followers · 276 posts · Server

A fb thread made me pull out this SNL clip and I thought I'd share here, too. 32 years old and still lolsob hilarious and brilliant:

"NBC News Personnel really emphasis the pronunciation of Spanish words, while the new Economics Correspondent does not. Aired 11/10/90"

#soawkward #awkward #pronunciation #spanish #usenglish #loanwords #linguistics #sociolinguistics

Last updated 2 years ago

David Hull 胡大衛 · @HuShuo
339 followers · 846 posts · Server

I love this article about words "gifted" to the English language.

We shouldn't ignore the violence that made it a global language, of course, and so '"gifted" might not be the best way of framing how English acquires words.

It's always growing and challenging us in ways that aren't always comfortable. English is promiscuous in the best way.

#english #loanwords #language

Last updated 2 years ago

Itanglese e forestierismi · @itanglese
1183 followers · 350 posts · Server
Itanglese e forestierismi · @itanglese
1183 followers · 350 posts · Server