Exiled MP Moira Deeming delivers ultimatum to Victorian Liberal leader John Pesutto
My opinion is that John Pesutto is a gutless fool, and Moira Deeming should have been kicked-out of the Liberal Party for being a TERF and neo-nazi. Matthew "Lobster With A Mobster" Guy has always lacked the nouse to read the room, so it's no surprise at all that he's calling for "party unity" to defend a colleague who's a TERF and neo-nazi. Right now, Moira Deeming is doing what Moira Deeming does: having a tantrum to get noticed because she's an attention-starved egomaniac.
#Auspol #SpringSt #TERF #MoiraDeeming #Deeming #JohnPesutto #Pesutto #MatthewGuy #LobsterWithAMobster
#auspol #springst #terf #moiradeeming #deeming #johnpesutto #pesutto #matthewguy #lobsterwithamobster
- VEC and AEC: they show the world how it's possible for an independent Electoral Commission to manage an election. No worries about gerrymandering or voter suppression. We have compulsory, preferential voting and a complicated-looking ballot paper, yet the VEC runs the vote-count and presents results (most of them?) on the same day as the election. ๐
#AusPoI #VicPol #SpringSt #VicVotes #VicVotes2022 #DictatorDan #LobsterWithAMobster
#auspoi #vicpol #springst #vicvotes #vicvotes2022 #dictatordan #lobsterwithamobster
- Teals: still in the running for two seats that are too close to call at the time of writing.
Teals did well to target seats with demographic shift. They got results thanks to strong community campaigning and high-quality candidates. Clear choice for suburban Centrists who can see the LNP has curdled under the leadership of right-wing extremists.
#AusPoI #VicPol #SpringSt #VicVotes #VicVotes2022 #DictatorDan #LobsterWithAMobster
#auspoi #vicpol #springst #vicvotes #vicvotes2022 #dictatordan #lobsterwithamobster
- Socialists: improved their vote in some inner-suburban seats, and earned a nice shout-out from the Greens. Good on them for continuing their fight to shift the Overton Window to the left after the Jeff Kennett years and all that neocon "trickle-down" nonsense.
#AusPoI #VicPol #SpringSt #VicVotes #VicVotes2022 #DictatorDan #LobsterWithAMobster
#auspoi #vicpol #springst #vicvotes #vicvotes2022 #dictatordan #lobsterwithamobster
- Preference Whisperers: they had no effect. So much hot air, and nothing to show for it. I hope this is last we see of "Preference Whisperers" and their hollow hype in state and federal elections.
#AusPoI #VicPol #SpringSt #VicVotes #VicVotes2022 #DictatorDan #LobsterWithAMobster
#auspoi #vicpol #springst #vicvotes #vicvotes2022 #dictatordan #lobsterwithamobster
- Matthew Guy: biggest loser. His lack of care and compassion in the pandemic made him look sociopathic.
Any attempt to be magnanimous in his concession speech has been overshadowed by his fans being sore losers.
We'll never forget "Lobster with a Mobster" so campaigning on integrity failed.
The worst bit: he was the best leader the LNP could offer.
#AusPoI #VicPol #SpringSt #VicVotes #VicVotes2022 #DictatorDan #LobsterWithAMobster
#auspoi #vicpol #springst #vicvotes #vicvotes2022 #dictatordan #lobsterwithamobster
- Mainstream Media: big losers.
They thought they could drive the "narrative" and tell people how to vote, but Victorians are thoroughly sick of Murdoch's lies in the Herald Sun and Sky News.
And we've had enough of Peter Costello's influence on Channel Nine.
Shame on key figures at the ABC for their obvious bias and unquestioningly parroting LNP lines.
#AusPoI #VicPol #SpringSt #VicVotes #VicVotes2022 #DictatorDan #LobsterWithAMobster
#auspoi #vicpol #springst #vicvotes #vicvotes2022 #dictatordan #lobsterwithamobster
- LNP: it's been said that we need a strong Opposition for a healthy democracy, so I'm angry that the the LNP are so pissweak.
The woeful performance of Victorian LNP politicians for the last decade or more is a disservice to their parties, to the people of Victoria, and to the ideals of Democracy.
No Democracy Sausage for you, LNP.
Get in the bin.
#AusPoI #VicPol #SpringSt #VicVotes #VicVotes2022 #DictatorDan #LobsterWithAMobster
#auspoi #vicpol #springst #vicvotes #vicvotes2022 #dictatordan #lobsterwithamobster
- Labor: won a majority in the lower house and solid numbers in the upper house.
Criticism of "Dictator Dan" and his handling of the pandemic didn't amount to much.
Giving the Balance of Power in the Upper House to the Greens and progressive minor parties will aid the left-wing faction of Labor, which is a nudge in the right direction in my opinion.
#AusPoI #VicPol #SpringSt #VicVotes #VicVotes2022 #DictatorDan #LobsterWithAMobster
#auspoi #vicpol #springst #vicvotes #vicvotes2022 #dictatordan #lobsterwithamobster
- Greens: increased their vote across the board. Looks like the Greens will get the Balance of Power in the Upper House, maybe share it with Animal Justice, Reason and Legalise Cannabis.
The Greens are a more credible Opposition than the LNP.
My gut says the Greens scored votes from disaffected Labor fans who will keep voting for the Greens in future.
#AusPoI #VicPol #SpringSt #VicVotes #VicVotes2022 #DictatorDan #LobsterWithAMobster
#auspoi #vicpol #springst #vicvotes #vicvotes2022 #dictatordan #lobsterwithamobster
- Environment: an improvement but a bit of a mixed bag. Excellent to see support for public transport, renewables, and the return of the SEC. But, Labour should do more for the environment, such as stopping logging in Old Growth Forests.
#AusPoI #VicPol #SpringSt #VicVotes #VicVotes2022 #DictatorDan #LobsterWithAMobster
#auspoi #vicpol #springst #vicvotes #vicvotes2022 #dictatordan #lobsterwithamobster
- Cookers: big losers. Made the swing away from the LNP look worse and their preferences did no good.
Poor focus and bad messaging meant Cookers shrank Labor's vote in the Western Suburbs where they have such a strong traditional lead they can afford a swing against.
The lesson: don't vote for angry dudes with conspiracy theories.
#AusPoI #VicPol #SpringSt #VicVotes #VicVotes2022 #DictatorDan #LobsterWithAMobster
#auspoi #vicpol #springst #vicvotes #vicvotes2022 #dictatordan #lobsterwithamobster
๐งต A thread about the winners and losers of the Victorian state election, 2022:
- Antony Green: psephologists love him, and deservedly so. Deep knowledge of every electorate, top and insights and analysis, and instant retrieval of important statistics.
#AusPoI #VicPol #SpringSt #VicVotes #VicVotes2022 #DictatorDan #LobsterWithAMobster
#auspoi #vicpol #springst #vicvotes #vicvotes2022 #dictatordan #lobsterwithamobster
Matthew Guy to resign as Liberal leader after second Victorian election defeat
The Lobster With a Mobster ๐ฆ should have quit during his concession speech, but he lacks the guts & humility.
He's had two "DanSlide" losses, not helped by his uncaring attitude on COVID, refusing quotas for women MPs, and trying to axe the Suburban Rail Loop.
#AusPol #SpringSt #VicVotes2022 #DanSlide #DanSlide2 #LobsterWithAMobster #PublicTransport #COVID19 #COVID19Vic
#auspol #springst #vicvotes2022 #danslide #danslide2 #lobsterwithamobster #publictransport #COVID19 #covid19vic