Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 69 posts · Server

Original toot date: 03 April, 2023

Why did it take until 2023 to declare "Milad El-Halabi was not duly elected as a councillor for Merri-bek City Council" and that "Mr El-Halabi benefited from ballot tampering"?

Very concerning!

#voterfraud #vicpol #vcat #merribek #localCouncil #council #localgovernment #auspol #vec

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Activist · @smeilakajp
20 followers · 128 posts · Server

Why did it take until 2023 to declare "Milad El-Halabi was not duly elected as a councillor for Merri-bek City Council" and that "Mr El-Halabi benefited from ballot tampering"?

Very concerning!

#voterfraud #vicpol #vcat #merribek #localCouncil #council #localgovernment #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

Wonderdog · @Wonderdog
369 followers · 1624 posts · Server

I am today because the local council sent us letters years ago saying we had to remove all on our land or be fined.

But the council left all the rotten privet, now blooming profusely, along the creek corridors and council owned green corridors (once earmarked for projects which didn’t happen, probably for funding or flooding reasons.)

The pollen doesn’t recognise private or council land, oddly enough!

And I can’t afford some fancy air filter system for my little old, weatherboard cottage. So I am grumpy.

#grumpy #privet #localCouncil

Last updated 2 years ago

Ken S · @ki_sekiya
68 followers · 217 posts · Server

Lack of shade trees:
Part of the problem is the heavily ‘top-down’ approach to tree planting.
If Government were to provide transparency of electrical, gas and water infrastructure mapping; upgrading infrastructure to be vegetation friendly; protection of community developed ‘green areas’; and advice on encouraged/recommended species,
there would be certainty of the survivability/appropriateness of trees, and more people will spend ‘out of pocket’ to plant trees.
Trees planted by local persons or community have ownership, interest and responsibility to its survival and growth. Otherwise the only trees planted are by developers and government,
The current Australian culture effectively discourages tree planting, and increases the cost. 🤷🏻

#localCouncil #ntpol #community #environment

Last updated 2 years ago

Millie Rooney · @_MillieRooney
445 followers · 111 posts · Server

Please join me Wednesday evening 6.30-8pm AEDT as I chat with Judy Horacek (AMAZING feminist cartoonist), Greg James (the first Indigenous Councillor for the Greater Shepparton Council) and Ali Thwaites (educator and youth activist) as we chat about CONTRIBUTION.

How to we value it? What infrastructure do we need to enable people to contribute and to recognise that contribution looks very very different depending on context.

There will be time for questions!

In partnership with and Women's Health Goulburn North East.

#australiaremade #auspol #care #connection #contribution #event #regionalaustralia #cartoons #localCouncil #onlineevent

Last updated 2 years ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
356 followers · 11192 posts · Server

2022: The area run by four local councils

On , Londoners across all 32 boroughs will go the polls to vote on who will lead their for at least the next four years. Many issues can d...

#london #elections #voting #5may #localCouncil

Last updated 3 years ago

Good, does it start at 15% of the yearly and go up to 50%. That ought to flush homes into people's possession (rather than the ownership of such as BlackStones etc)

An policy might come next but they are more complex. We understand 's are better positioned to deal with empty homes issues.

#rentalIncome #privateequity #emptyHomes #localCouncil

Last updated 3 years ago

Due to the limited range of and the need to have a tower every 100-200m it becomes trivial to track people's fine grain movements.

and experts however, are largely being ignored.

While we are distracted by one temporary health (and privacy) crisis, many are unaware that we are sleep-walking into another.

Contact your and inform them that you do not want or need 5G.

#5g #privacy #medical #localCouncil

Last updated 5 years ago