(2/2)… we disolved State Govts entirely?

Eg. the UK don't have state govts.

Could manage as a .

StateGovt functions can likely be replaced by Committees of a greater number of national MPs.

State Govt have become corrupted, engaging in and known to take from and groups through 's like the .

What do you think? Are State Govts replaceable?

#localCouncils #townPlanning #federation #rentSeeking #politicalDonations #realestate #propertyDeveloper #superpac #PropertyCouncil #auspol

Last updated 1 year ago

If you say that we need to live in a cave 100m underground to avoid it, why are levels set 70 times lower in some countries than others?

How does this fit in with schools in Europe removing to avoid excessive ?

Agree with the concerns.

There's and charming aimed at building consent for .

are disempowered in yet where's the proof of ?
@mplammers@fosstodon.org @rysiek

#radiation #wifi #emf #privacy #gaslighting #advertising #5g #localCouncils #australia #publicsafety

Last updated 5 years ago