We made it into Wired! Check out this great piece on local-first applications featuring our friends @martin and @pvh of Ink & Switch and our very own @expede! #localfirstapps #localfirst https://www.wired.com/story/the-cloud-is-a-prison-can-the-local-first-software-movement-set-us-free/
Hey, Strange Loop attendees and St. Louis friends!
Join Fission and Ink & Switch for a Local-First Software Unconference at the TechArtista Downtown.
There will be small group discussions, demos, and lightning talks, on local-first software tech foundations and implementation.
Tickets are $40 to help chip in for food & venue rental, and registration is open now. See ya there! https://lu.ma/localfirstswunconf-stlouis #localfirstapps
Want to see if Webnative File System, our encrypted file system for local-first apps, is right for you? Check out our newest workshop! https://fission.codes/blog/odd-avatars-workshop/ #localfirstapps #wnfs #oddsdk
Stop tying data availability to network availability! Go local-first and always have access to your data, even when you're offline. #localfirstapps