Une version de #développement de #Vivaldi 6.2 pour #Android est disponible.
N'hésitez pas à la #tester et à me faire part de toute #erreur ou #omission dans sa #localisation FR 🇫🇷
#developpement #vivaldi #android #tester #erreur #omission #localisation #snapshot #traduction
La version #Vivaldi 6.2 de #développement arrive bientôt au stade de la "#Release #Candidate" :
Merci, chers #testeurs et chères #testeuses, de nous #signaler toutes #erreurs ou #omissions dans la #localisation FR 🇫🇷
#vivaldi #developpement #release #candidate #testeurs #testeuses #signaler #erreurs #omissions #localisation #snapshot
So, this week, I worked on #localisation for our game. Doing it 14 months into production and *after* a language switch wasn't our best decision, but hey. Took "only" five days 😅
Oh and the game has now also a pause menu...
@74 @steelman @m0bi13 @emill1984 @brayozz @mstankiewicz @Michal @kalisz79 @pawelszczur @ftdl @miklo @agturcz
#tlumaczenia #translations #lokalizacja #localisation
Bez identyfikacji muszę pisać tak:
Anonimowy (-a) uczestnik (-czka)
Niektóre słowa trzeba przytaczać w całości:
członek / członkini
i tak to lepsze niż
osoba członkowska
#tlumaczenia #translations #lokalizacja #localisation
la place du خَلِيفَة
#localisation #nam_lolwe (Dholuo) #'nalubaale (Luganda) #nyanza (Kinyarwanda)
#nyanza-viktoria (Swahili)
primary inflows: kagera river
primary outflows : white nile
게임의 규칙은 간단합니다. 반전된 진실의 물질적 기반으로부터의 해방 이것이 우리 시대의 자기 해방으로 구성되는 것입니다. 사진(가급적 자신의 것)을 선택하고 김프로 편집하고 일요일에 #sundaygimp , #Sunday-photo-edit 태그를 지정하세요 ;- )
#metaphores_de_कलकी #localisation #nam_lolwe #nyanza #la_blague_tres_drole_de_carla_bruni_sur_emmanuel_macron_linfo #sundaygimp #sunday
la place du خَلِيفَة
#localisation #nam_lolwe (Dholuo) #'nalubaale (Luganda) #nyanza (Kinyarwanda)
#nyanza-viktoria (Swahili)
primary inflows: kagera river
primary outflows : white nile
게임의 규칙은 간단합니다. 반전된 진실의 물질적 기반으로부터의 해방 이것이 우리 시대의 자기 해방으로 구성되는 것입니다. 사진(가급적 자신의 것)을 선택하고 김프로 편집하고 일요일에 #sundaygimp , #Sunday-photo-edit 태그를 지정하세요 ;- )
#metaphores_de_कलकी #localisation #nam_lolwe #nyanza #la_blague_tres_drole_de_carla_bruni_sur_emmanuel_macron_linfo #sundaygimp #sunday
@simondlr Argh! I wish programmers did not pretend that they know about names — it's a source of frustration, to be sure
"Falsehoods programmers believe about names"
#localisation #internationalisation #unicode #cognitivebias
Un nouveau système de localisation révolutionnaire basé sur la détection de particules provenant de l'atmosphère https://trustmyscience.com/rayons-cosmiques-revolutionnent-gps #muwns #localisation #géolocalisation #technologie #gps #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm #99th_revue
#99th_revue #2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #gps #technologie #geolocalisation #localisation #muwns
La première #Release #Candidate de #Vivaldi #Mobile :vivaldi_red: 6.1 est disponible pour d'ultimes #tests :
Merci de nous signaler toute erreur ou omission dans la #localisation #FR 🇫🇷 👍
#RC1 #Android :android_logo:
#release #candidate #vivaldi #mobile #tests #localisation #fr #rc1 #android
Today I am learning about #localisation and #internationalisation with #Python. For somebody who's never dug into #gettext etc before, I'm finding there are *very* few tutorials that start from scratch of "OK, here's how to start internationalising your strings, and then generating templates to be localised".
I found this one, https://phrase.com/blog/posts/translate-python-gnu-gettext/, which has gotten me off the ground, but gosh it was hard to find.
#accessability #internationalization #localization #i18n #l10n
#localisation #internationalisation #python #gettext #accessability #internationalization #localization #i18n #l10n
If you're a #Translator or an #Interpreter and you happen to be in Brazil from June the 30th to July the 2nd, don't miss out on our #Translation conference:
#translator #interpreter #translation #translators #1nt #xl8 #localization #l10n #TransCreation #abrates2023 #localisation #interpreting
Une transformation #XSLT pour convertir un fichier #TMX en #TBX
L'article est encore tout chaud. N'hésitez pas à me faire des retours.
#xslt #tmx #tbx #xml #logiciellibre #traduction #localisation
I have started a Hindi Foss #Localisation account at @hindifoss to give updates about FOSS #Localization in #Hindi language. Do follow it to make other servers recognise this account.
#localisation #localization #hindi
Am working on a EN->CS translation and am looking for group/channel/chat/collected info on gender inclusive aproaches to translation. Any pointers anyone? This is to be a part of a larger project which is, however, in a hobby stage right now. #translation #trqansgender #localisation #genderinclusive #IRCchat #forum
#translation #trqansgender #localisation #genderinclusive #ircchat #forum
Applications, manuals, documentation and many other aspects of #Xfce are all translated into different languages. #Translations are handled in Transifex https://www.transifex.com/xfce/public, a web-based translation platform.
If you would like to help #Xfce with translations, please visit the Xfce translation docs to get started: https://docs.xfce.org/contribute/translate/start
#localization #localisation #translations #XFCE
Guterres is right.
But the biggest insanity is that humanity is letting this happen. Year after year of warnings go by without us reacting. These companies, backed by powerless externally controlled politicians, are harming us, our children and future generations.
We sit silently waiting. Waiting for someone else to prevent the catastrophe for us. We sit still while they rape our democracies and our livelihoods. Who wants to be the first to be so stupid as to put restrictions on the status quo? When we in the rich West are profiting so beautifully from our parasitic way of life?
Anyone who even occasionally consumes the news is aware that society has a serious problem. Passively waiting and ignoring the danger is an active choice.
Doing nothing is a supposedly easy choice. The easy way out in the short term? None of us has the power to change anything? So we just lie down and die? Give up without a fight?
But let me get this straight. We really want to knowingly just watch our children's livelihoods being taken away? We don't want to protect and care for each other and fight for a world worth living in? My friends, I don't get it.
We all have the power to change. Together we have all the power.
Now is the time to stick together and unite behind our common values.
Now is the time we want to leave selfishness and greed behind.
Now is the time for real change.
Now is the time to get serious.
Now is the time for survival.
All the letters have been written, all the petitions submitted, the conferences have ended, all the fears and concerns expressed. But the messages drip off like on a Teflon pan without a mark. Now is the time to get serious.
Take care of your loved ones. Take care of those who are fighting for survival and those who can't. Get serious!
#ClimateCrisis #biodiversitycrisis #allcrisis #justcollapse #localisation