Anybody else having trouble with their #Tuya WiFi lights lately? They were working fine-ish for a long time and suddenly #HomeAssistant and #LocalTuya are asking if I have the correct local key. (I do, I confirmed it) They respond fine in the Tuya app, but Home Assistant can't connect.
This is one more reason I'm gradually moving to all local only and ditching Tuya.
#tuya #homeassistant #localtuya
The #Snarkhome can now peer deeply into the #Hydrotower! (Bonus: #localtuya just fixed the edit-device #bug, which makes integrating these a LOT easier.)
#snarkhome #hydrotower #localtuya #bug #tuya #homeassistant #hydroponics #smarthome
I have achieved peak "administrative" laziness. Or zen. Whatever you want to call it.
I have a smart switch hooked up to my cable modem. The smart switch is controlled via #homeassistant and I'm running a neat project that allows me to decouple the smartswitch from the cloud so I have complete local control of it (#localtuya project).
So when #ospf / #wireguard are down because my modem is being a douchebag, I can reboot the modem without having to leave my desk without having to reach out to a cloud on the other side of the planet.
Ok, fair, not complete zen because I still have to push a button in home assistant (automating cable modem reboot seems...questionable?).
#homeassistant #localtuya #ospf #wireguard
#Mikäs #Homma kun välillä #LocalTuya tiputtaa pistokkeen (#WiFi) pois pelistä.
Saako syyttää vaan huonoa signaalia (n. -65/-70dB), vai onkohan yleinen probleema #HomeAssistant ja #Kotiautomaatio hommissa? 🤔
#kotiautomaatio #homeassistant #wifi #localtuya #homma #mikas
I put some time today into looking at the #HomeAssistant #localtuya integration and getting my Arlec reverse cycle portable air conditioner fully set up.
Turns out, right now LocalTuya has no support for cooling devices, nor devices with multiple modes. So for right now, just for me, I've imported the right HVAC_MODEs and made a custom HVAC_MODE_SET for my device. Probably not the greatest way to add support for my device, but oh well.
So long as it works, right?
@mstern Ich werde keine #Tuya Geräte mehr kaufen. Zwei von den Dingern (smarte Steckdosen) die ich habe verlieren permanent das WiFi. #localtuya bekomme ich auch nicht richtig ans laufen. Leider erkennt man erst nach dem Kauf ob sich die Geräte mit #tasmota flashen lassen. Das funzt mit #homeassitant nämlich echt super.
#tuya #localtuya #tasmota #homeassitant
If your #homeassistant #Tuya integration has gone wonky this solution worked for me:
I had to unlink/relink devices/account to get things to work, others have been successful by just performing the trial period extension step.
Now it's time to install the #localtuya integration from #HACS to get rid of cloud dependence entirely.
#homeassistant #tuya #localtuya #HACS