#OpenSource #mapping project #Overture #Maps Foundation releases it's first world-wide open #map dataset
release includes four unique data layers: Places of Interest (POIs), Buildings, Transportation Network, and Administrative Boundaries.
The Places dataset includes data on over 59 million places worldwide and will be a foundational element of #navigation, #local #search, and many other #locationBased #applications.
#geospatial #data #software #location #geolocation #applications #locationbased #search #local #navigation #map #maps #Overture #mapping #opensource
Interested in #LBS, Spatial #BigData, #GeoAI, #XAI et al?
#LocBigDataAI2023 is open for submissions
The symposium will be held in hybrid mode and will be associated with #ICC2023
#lbs #bigdata #GeoAI #xai #locbigdataai2023 #icc2023 #gischat #geospatial #giscience #locationbased