Judge Dismisses F.T.C. Lawsuit Against Kochava, a Location Data Broker - The ruling was a blow to the commission’s intensifying efforts to crack down on the sale ... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/05/business/ftc-kochava-location-data.html #regulationandderegulationofindustry #data-mininganddatabasemarketing #suitsandlitigation(civil) #federaltradecommission #locationprivacy #healthprivacy #kochavainc #privacy
#privacy #kochavainc #healthprivacy #locationprivacy #federaltradecommission #suitsandlitigation #data #regulationandderegulationofindustry
Conference option no. 2:
#LBS2023 will take place in Ghent and is also open for submissions now: https://lbs2023.lbsconference.org/call-for-papers/
Topics include:
- Geospatial Artificial intelligence (#GeoAI) and #LBS
- #ContextModelling and context-awareness
- Mobile #UserInterface and interaction
- #UserStudies and evaluation
Acquisition, management, and analytics of Location #BigData
- #UbiquitousPositioning
- #Social and behavioural implications of LBS #LocationPrivacy
#lbs2023 #GeoAI #lbs #contextmodelling #userinterface #userstudies #bigdata #ubiquitouspositioning #social #locationprivacy
So excited for this panel at #Enigma with 0 people on industry payroll trying to lie to you!
Early bird registration ends soon! https://www.usenix.org/conference/enigma2023/registration-information
"The #TikTok spying situation shows: an app doesn't need to have any special design features to be turned into an espionage tool"
Tik Tok spying on journalists proves that #LocationPrivacy matters. You have no idea who is getting & leveraging logs of your movements"
@jsrailton RT by @badiucao: #TikTok spying on journalists proves that #LocationPrivacy matters. You have no idea who is getting & leveraging logs of your movements. Right now, the whole issue is a wild west in most jurisdictions. Including the US. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/jsrailton/status/1606032282623520769#m
The iPhone 11 Pro’s Location Data Puzzler https://krebsonsecurity.com/2019/12/the-iphone-11-pros-location-data-puzzler/ #AppleiPhone11Pro #locationservices #ALittleSunshine #locationprivacy
#AppleiPhone11Pro #locationservices #ALittleSunshine #locationprivacy