@jbouchez Pas fier de toi là là, @facil à une instance local de #Mobilizon. 😉
Finally obtained our first box of #Colorado #peaches for the season. So perfectly ripe—I washed one and the skin just started peeling from me gently rubbing the fuzz off.
Ate it over the sink with juice running down my arms.
So wonderful.
#colorado #peaches #locavore #summerfruit #foodgasm
#Food #SanJuanIslands #locavore #SundayGravy
Sunday gravy, San Juans Islands style. Lamb I ground myself from #LumFarms, spinach and garlic scrapes from #WaldronIsland, raddiatore from #LocalGoods in #DeerHarbor, goat cheese from #LumFarms.
#food #locavore #sundaygravy #lumfarms #waldronisland #localgoods #deerharbor #sanjuanislands
L'Epicerie Locavore des Bourroches vient de fêter ses 10 ans
Ouverte au mois de février 2013, la première épicerie locavore de Dijon vient de fêter ce samedi 25 février ses 10 ans d'existence. "Et si on mangeait local ?" Telle est la question sur la devanture de cette épicerie depuis le début.
#locavore #Dijon #consommation #local
#locavore #dijon #consommation #local
Climatarian? Regenivore? New diets take aim at climate change
by Jennifer A. Kingson
Move over, locavores: A slew of new labels — from "climavore" to "reducetarian" — reflect the trend of people eating with sustainability in mind to reduce their climate "foodprint."
#food #climate #locavore #climatarian #regenivore #diet
#Oregonian interests: #craftbeer, #GreenBayPackers, #Camping #hiking, #womensbasketball, #locavore
#oregonian #craftbeer #greenbaypackers #camping #hiking #womensbasketball #locavore
Commown’ Cohérence
Commown est fière d'encourager la monnaie locale alsacienne, @lestuck67
! 💪 💰
Les euros échangés contre le Stück aident au financement de projet sociaux et environnementaux. ♻️
Et, les achats faits avec cette monnaie permettent de valoriser les commerces locaux alsaciens. 🏘️
Certains membres de l'équipe ont décidé de recevoir une partie de leur salaire en Stück.
#monnaielocale #solidarité #société #environnement #locavore #salaire #Stück
#monnaielocale #solidarite #societe #environnement #locavore #salaire #stuck
Beets are a versatile vegetable and often under-appreciated. They are available year-round in the #sanfranciscofoodshed. You can enjoy the entire plant of root and greens in many ways. More info about this lovely veg can be found by clicking the link in my bio. #locavore #localvore #beet #beets #farmersmarket #eatlocal #shoplocal #shoplocaleatlocal #sustainableeating #seasonality #vegetableinseasonjanuary
#sanfranciscofoodshed #locavore #localvore #beet #beets #farmersmarket #eatlocal #shoplocal #shoplocaleatlocal #sustainableeating #seasonality #vegetableinseasonjanuary
In season and available now in the #sfbay is the amazing Cherimoya aka the Custard Apple. A delightful creamy fruit grown in our #foodshed it is a brilliant brrakfast or dessert on its own but can also be made into sorbet or added to salads and smoothies to show off its tropical flavor. #localvore #locavore #cherimoya #custardapple #seasonaleating #seasonality #shoplocal #eatlocal #eatfreshandlocal #farmersmarket
#sfbay #foodshed #localvore #locavore #cherimoya #custardapple #seasonaleating #seasonality #shoplocal #eatlocal #eatfreshandlocal #farmersmarket
Sad to see Gorgie City Farm in difficulties again. This, mainly, because the Labour/ Tory council has apparently reneged on its funding committments.
GCF works w/ disabled and young people. It provides a service to the community.
IMHO, it should become more of a sancturary for animals instead of slaughtering. It cld also work w/ like-minded social enterprises like #Locavore and grow produce for sale there.
Let it continue.
#socialenterprise #localproduce #edinburgh #locavore
C'est un temps à soupe et à cocooning... Cette soupe potimarron citronnelle huile de sésame est absolument délicieuse ! #locavore Avec un verre de Cheverny blanc c'est parfait 🤤😋
Excite about my new roadside stall! Sink or swim … Upcycled boat 🛶 #dailyharvest #locavore #upcycle #boat #arrowgardens #arrowridge #arrowtownnz
#dailyharvest #locavore #upcycle #boat #arrowgardens #arrowridge #arrowtownnz
@ecolouise Salade de betterave et pomme du lycée : #100%Boboch
Merci aux élèves qui m’ont laissé une partie de leurs récoltes !
#locavore #pédagovore
@dp @ecolouise Salade de betterave et pomme du lycée : #locavore #pédagovore #100%Boboch
Merci aux élèves qui m’ont laissé une partie de leurs récoltes !
Hello! Please enjoy an essay I wrote about my attempt to cook a 100% local Thanksgiving dinner.
#Locavore #Thanksgiving #Cooking #terroir
#locavore #thanksgiving #cooking #terroir
The #DorchFoodCoop (Dorchester Food Coop) has hired a general manager! 🎉
#Boston #community #greaterBoston #locavore #sustainability
Consider becoming a member-owner if you haven't yet, and otherwise look fwd to the opening of our store here this spring. We have a #solidarity fund in case you can only cover a portion of your share.
#Solidarity #sustainability #locavore #greaterboston #community #boston #dorchfoodcoop
« Le jour où j’ai mis mon étiquette de végétarienne au compost » #végétarisme #locavore #flexitarisme #compromis #senourrir #manger #Québec https://unpointcinq.ca/article-blogue/vege-locavore-mon-parcours-au-dela-des-etiquettes/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=article&utm_campaign=novembre2022&fbclid=IwAR0i7jr8OLlA4PrZzp5ma8L2wW2-_c7rKKNHYfH3RwiJtIA1GMg3XUMykHw
#vegetarisme #locavore #flexitarisme #compromis #senourrir #manger #quebec
« Le jour où j’ai mis mon étiquette de végétarienne au compost » #végétarisme #locavore #flexitarisme #compromis #senourrir #manger #Québec https://unpointcinq.ca/article-blogue/vege-locavore-mon-parcours-au-dela-des-etiquettes/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=article&utm_campaign=novembre2022&fbclid=IwAR0i7jr8OLlA4PrZzp5ma8L2wW2-_c7rKKNHYfH3RwiJtIA1GMg3XUMykHw
#vegetarisme #locavore #flexitarisme #compromis #senourrir #manger #quebec