At the #Lochac Crown tourney yesterday when the fighters were introducing themselves to the Crown Sir Radbot Von Borg and his consort Baroness Katherine Kerr approached the crown and Sir Radbot declaimed "I come from across the ocean but I will try and address you in your own language .... G'DAY"
Hello from #Lochac
You may be interested in looking over here:
My name, as far as you know, is Dominus Tiberius Aelius Paulli filius Sabatina tribu Faustus Vespertilio. That's my #SCA name, of course, in the Kingdom of #Lochac which covers Australia and New Zealand. I live in the Canton of Lightwood in the Barony of Ynys Fawr (Huon Valley, Tasmania) with my Beloved, Her Serenity Baroness Adelindis filia Gotefridi, and our offspring The BatPup and The DM. We also have many, many cats, though the number is reducing as we adopt them out.
Vespertilio isn't my only name. I am also Baron Karl Faustus von Aachen, and I used to be Lord Eric of Tobar Mhuire (pronounced Tobermory, like the Womble).
To most people, however, I am known as Eric the Fruitbat. This gets abbreviated Eric TF Bat. Despite what one of The BatPup's friends said when told about this, TF does not, in fact, stand for "The Fuck". Well, not this one time.
I write songs. You can see much of my artistic output at my website,
I also post fairly frequently on Facebook, but never mind that.
I do NOT tweet.
Now: who the hell are you?
1) they misspelled Northpass ;-)
2)I'm not sure I'd called rattan 'lightweight'
which are quibbles.
This is the sentence, really: "It is one of the society’s 20 kingdoms in North America, each of which is subdivided into provinces, baronies and shires."
Twenty kingdoms *worldwide*, and #Drachenwald and #Lochac aren't in North America. (And if we want to be picky, the West still includes Asia.) The NYT should be able to do that much basic fact checking.