The tranquil ruins of Ardchattan Priory, close to the north shore of Loch Etive in Argyll. In 1308 King Robert the Bruce held what is said to have been the last Scottish Parliament conducted in Gaelic here during a military expedition. More pics and info:
#Scotland #ArdchattanPriory #Argyll #LochEtive #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #lochetive #argyll #ardchattanpriory #scotland
Just reminiscing on a trip we made to the #Scottish #Highlands in March this year, and the stunning views of #LochEtive. We were so lucky to have such glorious weather.
#scottish #highlands #lochetive
Exploring Loch Etive / Bonawe / Glen Noe from on high. Where better to be on a sunny Sunday afternoon in Argyll?
#drone #landscape #LochEtive #Argyll #Scotland #photography #nature
#nature #photography #scotland #argyll #lochetive #landscape #drone