Did anyone else think the #BlackMirror episode #LochHenry felt like an #IainBanks novel?
#blackmirror #lochhenry #iainbanks
#LochHenry was really good, and I love the ending, but the whole segment with Pia and what they did to her really lowers the overall quality of the episode.
It's..not good, what they did. At all.
Really puzzling and has me wondering...
#Netflix #blackmirror #lochhenry
#BlackMirror S06E02: #LochHenry was okay, but not very BlackMirror'y imo. 6/10 at best.
#BlackMirror #LochHenry OMG!!! That was one hell of an episode. All that trauma, horror, and pain completely overshadowed by content generation. Fucking beautiful
Black Mirror: Loch Henry - Review #BlackMirror #LochHenry @NetflixDE
Gestern habe ich #LochHenry geguckt. Das war, glaube ich, die schlechteste #BlackMirror-Folge EVER, weil sie mit dem Konzept der Serie mal gar nix zu tun hatte. Wirklich enttäuschend!
There is no drama, no horror and no human abyss in life, there is only content. #LochHenry #BlackMirror
From: @Solid_Snail
Ich habe #BlackMirror #LochHenry (S6.E2) mit 9/10 auf #IMDb bewertet. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27731608
#BlackMirror #LochHenry just goes to prove that you should never trust anyone that shaves/dyes their eyebrows.
#netflix #blackmirrorseasonsix #blackmirrors6 #lochhenry #blackmirror