@ianRobinson @kellumdander @parkermolloy Yep and every @ reply you ever had will now re direct to the fake you. I’m just gonna #LockAndLeave
@jw You can just #LockAndLeave it sitting with zero followers. All requests to follow will just be ignored. But no mater how you do it it’s very smart not to just deactivate, since in 30 days your account could be spoofed & all old @ replies will direct to the fake. 👍
@Davidtoddmccarty I've got an obsolete Twitter account, and I guess lots of others have too. But I don't care, this feels like home. #LockAndLeave #TwitterExodus
@JessicaGimeno The only reason I keep going back is to drag people here 😜👍 Dont delete your account though and if you did re activate it and read the replies at #LockAndLeave for why & how. I wouldn’t trust Elmo as far as I can throw him.
@Anthrodiva @burningbird I hope you didn’t just deactivate. ElNo has already hinted at old names being up for grabs. #LockAndLeave
To be fair to Felon Skum (something I never thought I’d say) all of the links to Mastodon are unsafe (potentially dangerous or harmful) …….to his finances.
Click the #link, #lockandleave #DontLookBack
#LINK #lockandleave #dontlookback
In 14 days time I look forward to seeing your Mastodon content without reference to the other place. My filter currently warns me of twitter.com references. From 1st Jan 2023 it will filter them out completely, it will be as if they don't exist.
#twitterexodus #download #lockandleave #engagewithmastodon
In 14 days time I look forward to seeing your Mastodon content without reference to the other place. My filter currently warns me of twitter.com references. From 1st Jan 2023 it will filter them out completely, it will be as if they don't exist.
#twitterexodus #download #lockandleave #engagewithmastodon
@jaysim Absolutely leave but do not deactivate your account. If you do, in 30 days your account can be spoofed. All old @ replies will now direct to the fake account. #LockAndLeave ⬅️ There are tips on this hash for how to do it best. #Twitter #TwitterMigration #Mastodon
#lockandleave #twitter #twittermigration #mastodon
@adman Good move. I was tempted to deactivate my account but I don't want to risk being spoofed. I will delete my tweets and leave it locked and dormant. #LockAndLeave
@JaneGray @adman Make sure you don’t just deactivate. In 30 days your account can be spoofed. All @ replies ever directed at you would then direct to the fake you even if though your tweets would be gone. #LockAndLeave There is more info in that thread from people that responded. Tips for leaving no usable trace but still leaving your name untouchable. 😊
@malwaretech Please also advise people to #LockAndLeave their account secure. Stop new follows etc.
@faho Absolutely! Every @ reply directed at your deleted account would then be directed at the new fake you. There are lots of good suggestions on the #LockAndLeave hash that people have added over the weeks I’ve been here. #Twitter #TwitterMigration #Mastodon #Newbie
#lockandleave #twitter #twittermigration #mastodon #newbie
@drvolts just seen this, it simply confirms that I made the right decision to #lockandleave the fowl place.
@MinkoffMinx Thanks for this. I’m trying to agregate all the essential #LockAndLeave info so I can just point people at it rather than explaining so much each time.🥰👍 #KHive
If you’re planning on leaving Twitter for good it’s recommended that you not deactivate your account because apparently your username could be taken over by someone else 30 days after deactivation. Instead we’re being told to #lockandleave by securing it, logging out of all the Twitter apps you use (so you no longer show as an active user), and letting your account just be dormant. Note that many security functions no longer work in the app.
Well that’s my Fowl Place account emptied and locked. App deleted and Notifications turned off #LockAndLeave
@BonehouseWasps I was on there for 11 years and had 64k tweets. So I renamed my old account, created a new account with the old accounts name then deleted the old account. I just left a note in my new empty account's profile saying that I'm on here now. #LockAndLeave