Today's source of joy: playing Palamedes Sextus in an audio recording of The Unwanted Guest with three dear friends
#voiceacting #tlt #TheLockedTomb #lockedtomb
I have just learned that my favorite series of the year has a 4th book coming out in January. I'm so excited holy fuck
#LockedTomb #GideonTheNinth #HarrowTheNinth #NonaTheNinth #AlectoTheNinth !!!!!!!!
#lockedtomb #gideontheninth #harrowtheninth #nonatheninth #alectotheninth
@winged_mammal @reginasbread Agree Nona was the easiest narrative style, though still kind of baffling in other ways. Harrow was the hardest for me. Each was suited to the complexity of its narrator, in a way? Will need to reread them all before Alecto though. #LockedTomb ftw!
Currently reading #NonatheNinth, book three of the #LockedTomb series. Difficult to get through, #TamsynMuir really makes you work for it. When I'm done maybe restart with #GideonTheNinth and see of I'm ready for #AlectoTheNinth when it is published this year.
#nonatheninth #lockedtomb #tamsynmuir #gideontheninth #alectotheninth #headexplodes #necromancers #necromanersinspace
Paul was 100% right that the #LockedTomb books are very different from each other
Pattern by Crossstitchinglovers on Etsy, lettering by me. Done on Aida with DMC.
#crossstitch #LockedTomb #TheLockedTomb #TamsynMuir #ninthhouse #gideontheninth #FinishedProject #wedobonesmotherfucker
#crossstitch #lockedtomb #thelockedtomb #tamsynmuir #ninthhouse #gideontheninth #finishedproject #wedobonesmotherfucker
Just fuckin realised this entire series of books is an elaborate songfic for Bring Me To Life fml #LockedTomb
The fact that God is from New Zealand suggests a deliberate invitation for Taika Waititi to play him if it ever gets turned in a movie and I am here for that #LockedTomb
I just got a "personalised" list of book recommendations from my local library. Three of them are tagged "disturbing" 😆 I suspect it's because I've been reading the #LockedTomb books. Otherwise? I'm disturbed 😳
Whew. got the new #fic done on my break. For anyone bored and likes the #lockedtomb series.