"triangle, gratitude, murder, etc." (#Locke, Essay, 2.12.4)
You know, stuff like that!
#Locke #lockeminuscontext #philosophy #Books #quotes
"Our Ignorance great"
Locke, Essay, §4.3.22 heading
#lockeminuscontext #philosophy #Books #quotes #earlymodons
"look a little into the dark side"
Locke, Essay, §4.3.22
#lockeminuscontext #philosophy #Books #quotes #earlymodons
“One thing…will seem very strange in this doctrine…But who can help it, if Truth will have it so?”
Locke, Essay, 3.6.38
#lockeminuscontext #philosophy #Books #quotes #earlymodons
“Light was nothing but a Company of little Tennis-balls, which Fairies all day long struck with Rackets against some Men’s Foreheads”
Locke, Essay 3.4.10
#LockeMinusContext #philosophy #histodons #EarlyModons #books #quotes
#lockeminuscontext #philosophy #histodons #earlymodons #Books #quotes