Bitdefender rilascia Decryptor gratuito per le vittime di MegaCortex
La società rumena di #antivirus #Bitdefender ha rilasciato un #decryptor gratuito per i file interessati dagli attacchi #ransomware #MegaCortex.
Ora tutti possono utilizzare il decryptor scaricandolo dal sito ufficiale. Per la prima volta, la famiglia di #ransomware MegaCortex è stata rilevata nel 2019 e l’#FBI ha avvertito degli attacchi #LockerGoga e MegaCortex al settore privato.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#infosecurity #privacy #CyberSecurityNews #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybercrime #cybersecurity #hacking #dataprotection #ethicalhacking #informationsecurity #redhotcyber #lockergoga #fbi #megacortex #ransomware #decryptor #Bitdefender #antivirus
Gratis-Entschlüsselungstool für die Ransomware MegaCortex veröffentlicht
Opfer des Erpressungstrojaners MegaCortex können mithilfe eines Tools, ohne Lösegeld zu zahlen, wieder auf ihre Daten zugreifen.
#Entschlüsselungstool #LockerGoga #MegaCortex #Ransomware #Security
#entschlusselungstool #lockergoga #megacortex #ransomware #security
In light of the latest #ransomware as #wiper incident in #UkraineWar, a reminder that we've been effectively dealing with this type of technique since #NotPetya. Write-up from early 2020 using an odd #LockerGoga example to explore weaponized ransomware for #disruptive or #destructive purposes:
#ransomware #wiper #UkraineWar #notpetya #lockergoga #disruptive #destructive #security #attack #cyberattack #ransomware #decryptor #bitdefender #lockergoga #opensource
#opensource #lockergoga #bitdefender #decryptor #ransomware #cyberattack #attack #security
📬 Ransomware-Angriffe auf kritische Infrastruktur: 12 Personen festgenommen #Hacking #Dharma #europol #LockerGoga #MegaCortex #NorskHydro #RansomwareAngriffe #Trickbot
#trickbot #RansomwareAngriffe #norskhydro #megacortex #lockergoga #europol #dharma #hacking
📬FIN6: komplexe Hacking-Kampagne gegen die Finanzindustrie aufgedeckt📬 #Cybereason #LockerGoga #Nocturnus #Trickbot #Artikel #Anchor #Virus #FIN6
#Cybereason #lockergoga #nocturnus #trickbot #artikel #anchor #virus #fin6
[#Lecture] « 👍 L'@anssi_fr publie un rapport de synthèse regroupant les informations concernant les #rançongiciels #LockerGoga et #ryuk (nouvelles campagnes d'attaques et indicateurs techniques) 👉 … » #sécurité #ransomware #malwares
#lecture #rançongiciels #lockergoga #ryuk #sécurité #ransomware #malwares