Evidence isn't something that Republicans use for anything. And the evidence of my claim is watching the behavior of the #RepublicanParty for the last 7 years. "#LockHerUp" is just one of those pieces of my evidence.
This evil person harassed Miss Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.
Kanye West’s publicist Trevian Kutti has been booked at the Fulton County Jail.
#losers #lockherup #trumpindictment #fultoncounty #Georgia #FAFO #trevianyutti #FaniWillis
Oh please let this become reality!! 🙏🙏
#jacksmith #Jan6 #trumpindictment #lockherup #lockthemallup
#AbigailJoShry 43, formerly living in a #BasketOfDeplorables in Alvin, #Texas is a #SobbingMAGA 💦 in prison now. 🤷🏻♂️
What’s a ‘#SobbingMAGA ‘? 👉 https://www.motherjones.com/mojo-wire/2022/08/cpac-jan-6-prayers-marjorie-taylor-greene-art-video/
#lockherup #abigailjoshry #basketofdeplorables #texas #sobbingmaga
Isn't this SoCiALiSM that MAGAt's are against?!!? 🤔🙄 :eyeroll:
Former #Trump attorney Jenna Ellis is crowdfunding her #Georgia indictment defense fees
> #Ellis is one of the 19 defendants charged for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in #Georgia.
#VoteOutTheGOP #RICOcharges #lockhimup #lockherup #lockthemallup #FaniWillis #ellis #Georgia #Trump
Someone needs to use a butterfly net on her.
The Jolt: Marjorie Taylor Greene blasts Kemp and floats VP, Senate bids
> Since Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis indicted former President Donald Trump for interfering in Georgia’s 2020 election, U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has been on the attack.
#arrestmtg #Georgia #trumpindictment #lockhimup #lockherup
#politicalhumor #Trump #politics #indictments #StopTheSteal #January6 #LockHerUp #LockHimUp
Internal dialog in her head "don't crack up Hillary, stay professional. Did I just giggle? Nobody noticed, right?"
#politicalhumor #trump #politics #indictments #stopthesteal #January6 #lockherup #lockhimup
Ivanka’s $360 Million Vancouver Deal Is Reportedly Being Investigated by the F.B.I. | Vanity Fair
> The Former First Daughter has her own set of problems.
#trunpcrimefamily #lockherup #ivankatrump
#LockHerUp was T****'s response to Hillary's supposed mishandling of classified information.
#Benghazi™ was all about her supposedly failing to stop an angry mob from attacking a U.S. gov't building.
#Republicans investigated Bill Clinton for YEARS b/c they believed he was having a series of affairs.
#Whitewater was the accusation the Clinton's were offered a "sweetheart real-estate deal" WHILE in office as governor of Arkansas. #GOPHypocrisy #IOKIYAR 🤦♂️
#lockherup #benghazi #republicans #whitewater #GOPHypocrisy #iokiyar
Didn't this white supremacist speak with the J6 committee? Ronna the phony failed Chair woman had her dirty fat hands very deep in the cookie jar . #Lockherup
Newly Revealed Text Messages Show GOP Officials At Ground Zero Of Election Conspiracy Outlined By Trump Indictment https://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/newly-revealed-text-messages-show-gop-officials-at-ground-zero-of-election-conspiracy-outlined-by-trump-indictment
Text messages show RNC chair pushed indicted Trump's voter fraud conspiracy with AZ's Kelli Ward: report - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism
𝗗𝗢 𝗜𝗧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AOC Just Called For An Investigation Into Ivanka Trump For Fraud
>Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) told House Republicans at the IRS whistleblower hearing that if they are interested in following evidence, they should investigate Ivanka Trump for felony fraud.
#lockherup #Trump #ivankakushner #ivankatrump
T****'s list of things he said would be "so easy" to fix "on #DayOne" (2016):
o Repeal & Replace #ObamaCare with something "better & cheaper that covers everyone."
o Declare China a "currency manipulator" as part of their "unfair trade practices" with the U.S..
o "Build a Wall™" on our Southern Border "and Mexico will pay for it."
o "Ethics reforms" to "drain the swamp".
o renegotiate NAFTA.
o Invest $550B in "infrastructure".
o #LockHerUp for mishandling #ClassifiedDocs.
#Obamacare #lockherup #classifieddocs #dayone
Generally speaking, not cool to “look shame” people, but as Kevin McDonald said on #Seinfeld, “Yama Hama! Fake phone number coming out tonight!”
#seinfeld #ivankatrump #lockherup #trumpcrimefamily
All one needs to do is pay close attention to whatever #Republicans latest #ClutchThePearls horror is, b/c it means THEY are either presently doing it, or are about to.
#LockHerUp for "mishandling #ClassifiedDocs."
37 #Benghazi™ hearings b/c Hillary "failed to protect a U.S. gov't facility from a riot that led to the death of 4 Americans."
#Woke is "Pushing social change via gov't decree."
"Accuse the enemy of that which you are guilty..."
#republicans #clutchthepearls #weaponizethegovernment #lockherup #classifieddocs #benghazi #woke
There seems to be some dissonance between the text contained in U.S. Flag Code §7. (e) and it’s INTENT 😡
There seems to be some dissonance between the text of U.S. Flag Code §7. (e) and it’s INTENT 😡
Marjorie Traitor Green committed the same crime Trump did: she shared classified documents to the public, on FoxNews, and she's bragging about it.
Time to #LockHerUp