Maybe I should be #grateful they leave her dlc clothes on if you fail auth.
(Is thast how some #dlc is #handled ? #To #prevent #game #lockout)
At least they had the decency to give her *some* clothes.
#Noone wants to see a #half #naked 2B :Alcea_Not_Amused_for_real:
#grateful #dlc #handled #to #prevent #game #lockout #noone #half #naked
« La Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (#FTQ) présente une série de six balados portant sur des conflits de #travail qui ont marqué l’histoire du Québec. »
Le #Québec à travers ses #LuttesOuvrières
#syndicalisme #syndicats #MouvementOuvrier #MouvementSyndical #grèves #lockout #FrontCommun #Murdochville #HistQC #PolQC
#ftq #travail #quebec #luttesouvrieres #syndicalisme #syndicats #mouvementouvrier #mouvementsyndical #greves #lockout #frontcommun #murdochville #histqc #polqc
Today in Labor History August 26, 1913: The Dublin lock-out began, a 5- month strike over terrible living and working conditions, and for union recognition. At the time, some Irish workers were living with 55 people per house. The Infant mortality rate among the poor was 142 per 1,000 births. TB-related deaths were 50% higher than in England or Scotland. The main organizers of the strike were 2 syndicalists, James Larkin and IWW cofounder, James Connolly. Several workers were killed by police and by strikebreakers. Hundreds were injured. WB Yeats’ poem, September 1913, is often viewed as a commentary on the brutality of the strike. Connolly was later executed as a leader of the Easter Rising, in 1916.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #dublin #lockout #union #strike #ireland #socialism #JamesLarkin #JamesConnolly #IWW #police #PoliceBrutality
#workingclass #LaborHistory #dublin #lockout #union #strike #ireland #socialism #jameslarkin #jamesconnolly #IWW #police #policebrutality
Hamnarbetarna har varslat om strejk
Svenska Hamnarbetarförbundet har varslat om strejk i Gothenburg RoRo Terminal och Helsingborgs hamn från torsdag 6 juli t
#Arbetarkamp #Arbetarklass #Arbetsmarknad #Arendal #Fackligt #Gteborg #Halland #Helsingborg #Sundsvall #Ume #APMTerminals #GothenburgRoroTerminal #GteborgsHamn #HelsingborgsHamn #Holmsund #Lockout #SCALogistics #Strejk #SvenskaHamnarbetarfrbundet #SverigesHamnar
#sverigeshamnar #svenskahamnarbetarfrbundet #strejk #scalogistics #lockout #holmsund #helsingborgshamn #gteborgshamn #gothenburgroroterminal #apmterminals #ume #Sundsvall #helsingborg #halland #gteborg #fackligt #arendal #arbetsmarknad #arbetarklass #arbetarkamp
#Union news, Austin #Texas nurses one day #strike at #AscensionSeton hospital was met with a #lockout. The nurses will not be allowed to return to work until July 1st.
#union #texas #strike #ascensionseton #lockout
@hobbykonsulenten Kanskje? Vil gjerne høre om det er mulig. Samtidig har jeg ikke tilgang til en tøddel av transaksjonshistorikk fra andre banker i DNB’s «Min Økonomi». Men de er kanskje ikke så interessert i andre banker.
Jeg hadde også stor tro på PSD2, men basert på dagens samtale virker det som at det bare er å glemme å få tilgang på *egen* data.
Skulle nesten tro det var en sak for EU / eller i det minste forbrukerrådet, men regner med at DNB har en dyp forståelse av jussen her. #lockout
#Music has been a mainstay of #Sydney's recovery from #lockout laws and pandemic #lockdowns.
How could music have a stronger role in YOUR city's #nighttime #economic recovery?
Get inspired. Sign up for our free, one-hour web presentation in one week:
#economic #nighttime #lockdowns #lockout #sydney #Music
#AzureAD Smart #Lockout and a few #tips from "under the hood" that are not usually known. Why is my account getting locked while working from somewhere else? How can I unlock my account? Can the admin do that for me?
Azure AD Smart Lockout is a feature that protects cloud accounts in Azure AD from #bruteforce attacks where attackers try different passwords. By default, after 10 failed login attempts, the account is automatically locked for 60 seconds.
Unlocking an account can only be done by resetting the password on that account or by waiting for the set lockout duration to expire automatically. However, many customers don't know that even an administrator cannot unlock an account manually.
Many customers also don't know that accounts are not locked out globally, but at the individual data center level. So, if an attacker tries passwords from the US, the account will be locked in one of the US data centers, but the account will still be active in the other data centers world-wide.
Account lockout events can be found in the sign-in log under the sign-in error code of 50053.
Did you know that?
#azuread #lockout #tips #bruteforce
What did it say under the blue scribble ? @elonjet of course! (posted this image on Twitter, so scribbled out the account name so my account would not be locked again. ) Private Information! #TwitterCensorship #Twitter #Lockout
#twittercensorship #twitter #lockout
Macbooks can be dangerous.
I have to fix one that can't be reinstalled because the previous user (who left the company) locked it to an email address from somewhere else that she has no more access to. And the macbook INSISTS on getting the password from that email account - which previous user doesn't remember.
How social media scammers buy time to steal your 2FA codes - The warning is hosted on a real Facebook page; the phishing uses HTTPS via a real Google ... #facebook #phishing #privacy #lockout #scam
#scam #lockout #privacy #phishing #facebook
@rob_carlson at some point one may need to post here on Mastodon and have it mirrored to birdplace? I left there a week ago but find many of the news sites I am following are just mirror bots of birdplace.
Na, das nenne ich mal digital souverän. #microsoft #windows #lockout #monopoly #opensource #linux
#microsoft #lockout #monopoly #linux #windows #opensource
Σε πολλές σχολές από χθες υπάρχει lockout εν όψει της επετείου του Πολυτεχνείου και έγινε η παρακάτω συζήτηση
"Θεσσαλονίκη χθες φοιτητές στην φροντιστηριακη καθηγήτρια τους
"Κυρα Ν... Τριτη Τεταρτη Πεμπτη η σχολη θα ναι κλειστη για ενδιαμεσες διακοπες"
σε τι ΖΩΑ ΟΡΘΙΑ κανω μαθημα θεε μου "
#lockout στο μυαλό....
Opening Day postponed until April 14 as CBA talks continue
Don’t forget to cancel your subscription to #MLB #mlbtv #majorleaguebaseball #lockout #BaseBall
#mlb #mlbtv #majorleaguebaseball #lockout #baseball
Happy #Friday13th!
So my freaky #Twitter #lockout weeks ago spared me much #election #doomscrolling and motivated me to search out an #indie alternative. No such thing as an idyllic/drama-free society (see: people), but the #Mastodon/#Fediverse sure seems like a promising counterweight to the mammoth;) *centralized* networks. And if a few more (millions) join up, why couldn’t this be The People’s #socialmedia network?
Meanwhile, I look forward to roaming about freely here. 👋🐘
#SocialMedia #Mastodon #indie #doomscrolling #Election #lockout #Twitter #friday13th #Introductions
Vayamos ganando tiempo, ya tengo escrito sobre plano corto, “autoconvocados”, pantalla partida, victimización de “pequeños” productores. Avancemos. #Lockout #2008 #125
Thrilled to share "Data craft: a theory/methods package for critical internet studies" written with my sister teacher dreamer friend for the SI on platform #lockout