What do you think about this @JonathanAStroud@twitter.com? Wouldn't that make a great new home?
#LockwoodandCo https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1661544264436969472
#bbcforlockwoodandco #savelockwoodandco #lockwoodandco
Ugh. Netflix cancels yet another show I was enjoying. This time it's Lockwood & Co. after only one season!
Unfortunate. 😭 This was a really good show that had great reviews and made it into Netflix's top 10 in multiple countries. Sometimes the shows Netflix chooses to cancel is kinda baffling.
Hopefully it gets picked up somewhere else.
#netflix #lockwoodandco #tv #Streaming #horror
Just read they're not making a second series of #LockwoodAndCo that's annoying.
Awww man #Netflix! Why did you cancel #LockwoodAndCo?! It was an excellent little show, and totally deserved another season.
Netflix cancels yet another excellent and reasonably popular #fantasy show, #lockwoodandco
#netflix commissions new shows with the enthusiasm of an incontinent puppy, but then cancels them with the grim determination of a Wall Street raider. There is no nurture, no understanding that some shows need time to consolidate and find their #audience.
This leaves me disinclined to invest my time in new Netflix products. Why get excited for something they'll probably axe? Time to #unsubscribe, I think
#fantasy #lockwoodandco #netflix #audience #unsubscribe
Love this! 😍 😍
RT @SWPSLibrary@twitter.com
What to #read after #LockwoodAndCo …
Thank yo @Booktrust@twitter.com for recommendations 🤩
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SWPSLibrary/status/1649015492198244355
#read #lockwoodandco #swpslovesreading
I really enjoyed #LockwoodAndCo on Netflix. Managed the whole series in 2 days!
If you've devoured #LockwoodAndCo on Netflix AND read all of @JonathanAStroud@twitter.com's brilliant series, what can you do next?
Well, don't panic - our brand new #WhatToReadAfter can help you out with lots of fab book recommendations! https://www.booktrust.org.uk/news-and-features/features/2023/april-2023/what-to-read-after-lockwood-and-co/
Pic: Talexi
#lockwoodandco #WhatToReadAfter
This week's Player Intrusion comes from Alex who recommends our listeners watch #LockwoodAndCo on Netflix!
RT @tara_oshea@twitter.com
This is a Barnes' Happy Face appreciation post. No April fooling, I genuinely love this character and Ivanno Jeremiah is FANTASTIC in the role. #LockwoodandCo
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/tara_oshea/status/1642037054711242753
The Cure, Bauhaus, Siouxsie, Joy Division, This Mortal Coil, The Associates? The soundtrack to #LockwoodAndCo is totally my jam. 🤘
I should check this out. The first scene (I watched to the credits) looked as if the characters had a heavy load and on their way to a score for sure. I am excited for more Blades in the Dark style shows, but give me #Duskvol!
#Duskvol #bladesinthedark #lockwoodandco #netflix
Lockwood & Co on Netflix is really good! Anyone else like it? Hoping it gets renewed.
I did it again for another set of #TV #Series, ones that aren't as broadly acclaimed as #Andor or #TheSandman, but which have acquired quite loyal fans:
#KamenRiderBlackSun (2 out of 10 episodes)
#LockwoodAndCo (3 out of 8 episodes)
I'm not sure if I should mention #TheWitcher here, since I'm barely into it so far (half of episode 2 out of 8).
#tv #series #andor #thesandman #kamenriderblacksun #lockwoodandco #thewitcher #tvseries
I didn't know I wanted #TheCure's "A Forest" playing over a sword fight, but I'm glad I saw one. Thanks, #LockwoodAndCo!
This isn't even the best use of #music in a #series that surprises with an unexpected #SiouxsieAndTheBanshees choice ("Sick Child"). What's really good is how they recognise that #Bauhaus #songs can sound very different, with each one being used quite well in their respective scenes:
"Bela Lugosi's Dead"
"All We Ever Wanted was Everthing"
"Stigmata Martyr"
#thecure #lockwoodandco #music #series #SiouxsieAndTheBanshees #Bauhaus #songs
"So many horrid ghosts..."
Henry V Act 4 Prologue
#ShakespeareSunday #LockwoodandCo
#shakespearesunday #lockwoodandco