Printed sepia postcard of the Dolmen de Kervéresse near Locmariaquer in Brittany. Published by Laurent-Nel of Rennes, № 768, postally used in 1929. #Locmariaquer #Morbihan #Breizh #Dolmens #Megaliths #Postcards #CartesPostalesAnciennes #TombTuesday
#locmariaquer #morbihan #breizh #dolmens #megaliths #postcards #Cartespostalesanciennes #TombTuesday
Ce peintre là, toujours en mouvement, personne ne saurait l'égaler. Au risque d'un gros grain. C'était vers midi à #Locmariaquer
Locmariaquer is a Stone Age site in north-west France distinguished by its two large stone tombs and massive granite standing stone or menhir. The monumental structures, all built within metres of each other, were built in the 5th millennium BCE by the local sedentary farming community and are amongst the most impressive Neolithic monuments anywhere. #Carnac #Dolmen #Locmariaquer
For #standingstonesunday I drop this picture from the last - hot and dry - summer: #locmariaquer in #brittany #bretagne.
The talleste#menhir in france and even though it is broken in pieces it is still impressive.
It's very close to #carnac.
#archaeology #neolithicum
#StandingStoneSunday #locmariaquer #brittany #bretagne #carnac #archaeology #Neolithicum