Gonna nerd out on library stuff here — you've been warned.
My hot take on #BIBFRAME is that it's never happening. It's been in the pipes for over ten years now, and they've done some amazing things in that time.
- The cataloguing software doesn't support it.
- There are no editors (I spent all day trying to run the one made by #LibraryOfCongress and it won't go. Their readme is useless.)
#bibframe #libraryofcongress #linkedopendata #lod
RT @Wikimedia_Fr
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#digitalhumanities #lod #formation #wikidata #mooc
Using some fairly simple federated SPARQL and the wikidata query service, I was able to add geocoordinates to ~ 1000 Brinkman concepts, before my coffee turned cold.
An example: https://data.digitopia.nl/id/thes/p075632012
RDA based linked data focussed on the creative production of the Dutch author Theun de Vries:
An experimental dataset created in the context of the RDANL application profile, see https://netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed.github.io/rdanl/
RDA based linked data focussed on the creative production of the Dutch author Theun de Vries:
An experimental dataset created in the context of the RDANL application profile, see https://netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed.github.io/rdanl/
RDA based linked data focussed on the creative production of the Dutch author Theun de Vries:
An experimental dataset created in the context of the RDANL application profile, see https://netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed.github.io/rdanl/
Which 7 authors of Dutch novels, that lived in the 19th century or before, were also composers?
https://semOpenAlex.org "provides comprehensive information on scientific publications and related entities."
"SemOpenAlex: The Scientific Landscape in 26 Billion RDF Triples" https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.03671
#OpenAlex #SemOpenAlex #SPARQL #CC0 #LinkedOpenData #lod #OpenData
#openalex #semopenalex #sparql #cc0 #linkedopendata #lod #opendata
Interested in Linked Open Data #LOD and their potential for historical research? If you read French, this article by Francesco Beretta is for you: everything explained from scratch, best I’ve read so far=> https://journals.openedition.org/revuehn/3349 #histodons
The shell based OAI-PMH client oailite.sh can also write to a postgreSQL database now.
Its companion script dbwalker.sh offers a foundation for data processing, for example to create RDF with
#SchleswigHolstein wird sich mit zwei Vorhaben am 4. Nationalen Aktionsplan OGP beteiligen:
1. Öffentlich bereitgestellte Daten als Linked Open Data
2. Visualisierung von Haushaltsdaten von Kommunen und des Landes
#schleswigholstein #opengovernment #opendata #lod
Last month, #homosaurus V3.4 was released, new terms can be found in this log: https://homosaurus.org/releases/show/2 #lod #lgbtq
Here's more on using the Corpus Nummorum #SPARQL endpoint to construct RDF for Nomisma. More than 11,000 types and 28,000 specimens from CN from Thrace and nearby regions have been integrated into the Nomisma #LOD cloud.
More on the inclusion of Greek types from IRIS into the http://Nomisma.org #LOD ecosystem, and its impact on improving research context through #datavis. https://numishare.blogspot.com/2023/07/greek-types-from-iris-integrated-into.html #lawdi #LODLAM
My (now not too) secret agenda at #DH2023 is to find people with whom I can talk about data modelling, #LOD (or rather #LOUD - #LinkedArt #IIIF), cats (I can provide pictures), community practices and diversity in #digitalhumanities while drinking beers or eating ice creams.
#DH2023 #lod #loud #LinkedArt #iiif #digitalhumanities
In the Linked Academic Editing Framework (#LEAF) Workshop at #DH2023, we are now seeing the #LEAFWriter, a free TEI XML editor that can be deployed independently from the full LEAF framework (Islandora etc.). The editor supports annotations, controlled vocabularies and lookup against authority databases. And besides regular TEI tags, it inserts the annotation info also as Xenodata #jsonld #lod !
#leaf #DH2023 #leafwriter #jsonld #lod
@p_junginger Very interested by your poster but I won't be able to move (far away) from mine though, hope that we can discuss your ideas for more inclusive #LOD :)
5-Sterne #OpenData, also Linked Open Data (#LOD), gelten als der Goldstandard im Bereich offener Daten. Es ist jedoch nicht nur ziemlich kompliziert, Personen ohne Informatik-Hintergrund die Ideen von LOD zu erklären, sondern auch, entsprechende Daten zu erzeugen. Ist 5-Sterne Open Data für die nächsten Jahre in der Verwaltung nicht zu erreichen? Vielleicht gibt es eine “Abkürzung”.
Here's my presentation from the Nomisma/ECFN conference. The challenge that lies before us now isn't integrating the Nomisma vocabulary concepts into databases, it's encouraging IT staff to take the 5th start of #LOD seriously: implementing standard protocols (e.g., content negotiation) to make machine-readable data available for reuse in 3rd party information systems. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8120871.