#Italy, locally-acquired #Dengue fever cases detected in more locations: 2 patients are hospitalized at the Spallanzani Institute of Roma. 309 are under surveillance in #Lodi province, and one case has been reported in #Prato, Tuscani; https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2023/08/29/dengue-due-ricoverati-allo-spallanzani-di-roma-nel-lodigiano-screening-309-persone-un-caso-accertato-a-prato/7274922/ #arbovirus #flavivirus #mosquitoes #news
#Italy #dengue #lodi #prato #arbovirus #Flavivirus #mosquitoes #news
A fun read on JebDunnuck.com: "R.H. Drexel: Of Lodi, Lorenza, and the Victor Book Club"
Tegan's long term investment in Lodi with Sandlands...
Randy presents strong arguments for acid-driven wines from #Lodi #wine country with some supporting quotes from Markus:
389 milioni di € per 20 km di 4a corsia di #autostrada tra #Milano e #Lodi.
Il ministro dei trasporti, quando si tratta di fare aumentare il #traffico di #auto non lesina, dopo aver cancellato i 98 milioni su due anni per tutta l'infrastruttura #ciclabile nazionale.
Sembra la politica della mobilità degli USA negli anni 60...
#autostrada #milano #lodi #traffico #auto #ciclabile #mobilitainsostenibile
Come along and see how much fun we're having here in Lodi!
Thank you Monique Soltani with Wine Oh TV!
@Lodi_Wine #Lodi
Putting our friend to work in the Nicolini Ranch ancient #Lodi #Carignane vines. Paul, visiting from Switzerland, has pah-lenty of leaves to pull after all the rain. These vines are exploding with growth this year!
Il vicesindaco #Lodi "Gare serali, una novità Sarà una grande festa col cuore in Romagna"
L’assessore delegato spiega le innovazioni introdotte quest’anno e l’ambizione più grande: "Portare questa manifestazione a un livello sempre più alto". Gli stanziamenti comunali per sanare i bilanci.
Deputy Mayor #Lodi 'Evening races, a novelty It will be a big party with heart in Romagna'
The deputy mayor explains the innovations introduced this year and his greatest ambition: 'To take this event to an even higher level'. Municipal allocations to balance the budget.
27-5-2023 7:36 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/feedservice/compilations/1/ https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/speciali/eventi-e-fiere/il-vicesindaco-lodi-gare-serali-una-novita-sara-una-grande-festa-col-cuore-in-romagna-4675482e
Today’s review via my new #wine account, @wine
#wine #winereview #california #lodi #tannat
Currently nursing this glass of rose at the lodi wine visitors center. it's very good.
grossly overestimated the time 2 get here. have a lunch reservation at 11:15 got here at 1030. lol!
Fun with red blends, including our Ancient Blocks The Church as wine #1. If you aren't familiar with Matthew Horkey, it's time you checked out what he has been up to:
Nice to finally see all those dots of green in the vineyards!
2023 Lodi Syrah at Berghold Vineyards.
#PlanAhead #Lodi The Cherokee Lane on-ramp to southbound SR-99 and #2 (right) lane of SB SR-99 from Turner Road to SR-12/Victor Road will be CLOSED for litter removal on Wed. April 12, 2023, from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Expect 15-minute delays. quickmap.dot.ca.gov