Writes Master of Wine Peter Marks: "WOW, WOW, WOW!!! Just arrived and it’s beautiful! Can’t wait to dig in." #lodibook #randycaparosophotography #lodiwine #lodiwinecountry
#lodiwinecountry #lodiwine #randycaparosophotography #lodibook
Tegan Passalacqua (Turley and Sandlands) posted this the morning after our first box of "Lodi!" (https://kitchencincopress.com) arrived this past February 2022: "Congratulations to my friend, mentor, sommelier, wine writer and cultural historian @rcaparoso for releasing his amazing book on Lodi, its wines, vines and people." #randycaparoso #lodiwine #lodiwinecountry #ownrooted #lodibook #randycaparosophotography
#randycaparosophotography #lodibook #ownrooted #lodiwinecountry #lodiwine #randycaparoso