For all our #LOFAR users: the next LOFAR Data School will be held at ASTRON, from April 15th to April 19th.
On the train back north now. What a week! Awesome work with the #lofar long baseline group and exploring all the wonders of Paris. 10/10 would recommend.
MPIfR: Elektromagnetische Leckstrahlung von Satelliten gefunden
Wissenschaftler beobachten mit dem LOFAR-Teleskop zum ersten Mal niederfrequente Radiowellen von Satelliten in großen Konstellationen. Eine Pressemeldung des Max-Planck-Instituts für Radioastronomie, Bonn. #Lofar #mpifr
Press Release also available here
#lofar #Starlink
#lofar #starlink
Elektromagnetische Leckstrahlung von Satelliten gefunden | Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Ach ja, wetenschap is ook maar een mening. 3x raden wat #elonmusk daarmee doet? #lofar #spacex
Für die Interessenten der #HAMgroupPropagation gibt's hier was zum Einstimmen auf den kommenden Vortrag zu #LOFAR
Nice 35-minutes talk - in German - about the Europe-wide #LOFAR radio interferometer:
Heeft ook wel wat…zometeen een paar uur in de regen lopen en kijken en luisteren naar een gids die alles weet over radioantennes… #Lofar
Maar eh not me ik moet andere dingen doen.
The #Faraday Rotation Measure Grid of the #LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey - Data Release 2: -> Irish astronomer brings science closer to finding origins of #magnetism: (and in and more about the LOFAR Magnetism Key Science Project or MKSP).
Our former postdoc, Prof. Shane O'Sullivan, and our work with #LOFAR featured in the Irish Independent
With a cool picture. #magnetism
Kolmogorov seems to work well in the interstellar medium, according to our study on pulsar scintillation led by Z. Wu. Using #LOFAR
#radioastronomy #PTA
Series of #LOFAR papers today on the arxiv. The first Is about the statistics of radio relics. Shows impressively how far we have come in the past years. The Planck clusters in the LOFAR sky VI. LoTSS-DR2: Properties of radio relics
led by our student A. Jones and of course with a bunch of collaborators.
Today on the arxiv: The Faraday Rotation Measure Grid of the #LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey: Data Release 2 led by S. O'Sullivan.
We find 2461 extragalactic high-precision RM values across 5720 deg^2 of sky (corresponding to a polarized source areal number density of ∼0.43 deg^−2)
A very interesting take on the universe as seen from the perspective of the 2m amateur radio band by the #LOFAR radio telescope.
V-LoTSS, The Circularly-Polarised #LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey: ->
V-LoTSS, The Circularly-Polarised #LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey: ->
#astronomy #RedDwarfs #LOFAR #exoplanets #stars Two articles - one published in the journal "Nature Astronomy" and one published in "The Astrophysical Journal Letters" - report different aspects of the discovery of radio wave emissions from 19 red dwarfs of which at least 4 could have originated from interaction with unknown planets.
#astronomy #RedDwarfs #lofar #exoplanets #stars
#astronomy #BlackHoles A series of ten articles to be published in the journal "Astronomy & Astrophysics" reports the results of the activity of the #LoFar network with its 70,000 antennas with unprecedented details of various #galaxies at radio frequencies.
#astronomy #blackholes #lofar #galaxies
This is pretty frickin' cool. I've been passively interested in the capabilities of arrays of antennas, and I hadn't heard of this project before.
#video #radio #astronomy #lofar