RT @HaboubiAnis
Etape 1) Alvaro Muñoz @pwntester presente en 2016 la vulnérabilité
Etape 2) Exploitation de la vulnérabilité #log4jRCE / #Log4Shell de 2021.
Etape 3) Tout le système est vérolé #cyberpandemie #breakingtheshell
Presentation: https://blackhat.com/docs/us-16/materials/us-16-Munoz-A-Journey-From-JNDI-LDAP-Manipulation-To-RCE.pdf
#log4jrce #Log4Shell #cyberpandemie #breakingtheshell
They aren't the end all, be all, but they can be an extremely effective security controls for when things like this rear their ugly head..
Here are a few things we're seeing as it pertains to the recent #log4jrce vulnerability.. #security #waf #dns #cdn
#log4jrce #security #waf #dns #cdn
RT @cyb3rops@twitter.com
Iv'e created Gist with exploitation detection ideas and rules
I'll update this gist frequently
#log4j #log4jrce CVE-2021-44228