William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
2306 followers · 10706 posts · Server toad.social

"It appears from the record that, prior to this game-changing decision [to turn off his satellites and thwart a Ukraininan military operation], Musk held talks with Russian officials about the war."


#ElonMusk #Russia #Ukraine #loganact

Last updated 1 year ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
2306 followers · 10706 posts · Server toad.social

"Musk was not only wrong in his strategic assessment, he was interfering in the military operations of a U.S. ally in a time of war. This could amount to a violation of the Logan Act, an old and rarely invoked law which prohibits U.S. citizens from negotiating or communicating without authorization with any foreign governments about U.S. foreign policy or disputes."

~ Jay Kuo



#ElonMusk #Russia #Ukraine #loganact

Last updated 1 year ago

Nimbus · @nimbus5000
156 followers · 2076 posts · Server techhub.social

I'd like to see an analysis of 's conversations with in light of the .

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.


#elonmusk #Putin #loganact

Last updated 1 year ago

Bongolian · @Bongolian
187 followers · 2127 posts · Server universeodon.com

@GottaLaff @emptywheel was also a repeat felon by that point, having committed a felony to get elected in 1968 (conspiracy to violate the Logan Act)


#nixon #loganact

Last updated 2 years ago

· @londonarmyreal
316 followers · 3836 posts · Server brighteon.social