Canada issued the Organ and Tissue Donation #stamp a year ago in support of #greenshirtday
April 6, 2018, a collision killed 16 and severely injured 13 members of the #humboldtbroncos hockey team. The Boulet family turned tragedy into hope for 6 other families: they donated their son's organs when he passed away Apr 7. The #LoganBouletEffect is the uptick in registered organ donors (+9%) since that day.
Being a donor can save many lives. #philatelyforgood
#stamp #greenshirtday #humboldtbroncos #loganbouleteffect #philatelyforgood
#LoganBouletEffect and Green Shirt Day still inspire organ donors, 5 years after bus crash
A two-time organ transplant recipient from Regina designed the 2023 Green Shirt Day logo, as the memory of Logan Boulet and the Humboldt Broncos bus crash continues to inspire organ donors across Canada.