Gift boxes are done! Also throwing in something special as well to thank everyone for coming out. 😉 ☕🍦
#Indiana #Logansport #PokemonGo #CommunityAmbassador #CommunityDay #BlackDogCoffee #SycamoreIceCream #SupportLocal #pride
#indiana #logansport #pokemongo #communityambassador #communityday #blackdogcoffee #sycamoreicecream #supportlocal #pride
That's right, Trainers! #Axew will be the featured Pokemon on June 10 between 2:00 and 5:00.
We'll still have our meetup, but we are switching gears and heading to #Logansport with our friends @savinicomics and by extension @bonuspints, both inside the historic DeWenter Building on 5th and Broadway. We will be out on the outdoor patio at Bonus Pints for check-in beginning at 1:00. Check-out will be at 5:00 along with a group photo and our monthly giveaways.