Outside is cold and overcast. However there is comfort and warmth by the log burner, and the stock eater is content with the ball she found in the forest this morning… #relaxation #dog #home #logburner
#relaxation #dog #home #logburner
New log burner in the lounge. No more draughty open fireplace. #cosy #logburner #ireland #warm
#cosy #logburner #ireland #warm
Committed the cardinal sin of log burning. Used up all the indoor / fireplace wood last night, which ended at 04:00am. Mind, it was our longest continuous burn since it was installed, and I didn't replenish piles/basket on Xtmas Eve as planned cos poorly.
Now trying to get it going with cold, and externally/superficially, damp wood.
This could take a while.
Ongoing debate in my house. I can get the #logburner going in five minutes and then stack it so I only have to return to it about every 30 minutes. It takes hubby a good 20 minutes and he returns to it every 15 or so. But apparent I do it all wrong and he hates the way I do fires. 🤷🏻♀️
Ongoing debate in my house. I can get the #logburner going in five minutes and then stack it so I only have to return to it about every 30 minutes. It takes hubby a good 20 minutes and he returns to it every 15 or so. But apparent I do it all wrong and he hates the way I do fires. 🤷🏻♀️
I’ve gone all instagram and done a little simmerpot
#simmerpot #cosy #logburner #scent #spices #Winter
Fire on!! Need a little warmth. House is freezing !! #logburner #fire #logs
@dazinism @SustainableSailing @Dave42W @hembrow @erictopol They certainly are. I paid less than £30 for our #CarbonMonoxideAlarm. It has a ten-year battery. You just place the unit on a shelf where the manufacturer tells you and try to remember to test it once a fortnight. It couldn't be easier.
And smoke alarms? Everyone needs those, #LogBurner or no.
#carbonmonoxidealarm #logburner
I need to get back in the shedio soon, but the roof needs fixing. Ti's a bit leaky at the moment!
Fingers crossed, I can get that sorted this weekend, weather permiing, & then i can finsh off my meadows.
I'm also missing the wood burner.
It's a cosy little creative bolt hole
It's my budget cabin in the woods. 😆
#artist #shedio #impressionist #impressionistArt #expressionism #jacksonpollockinspired #shropshireartist #shropshire #becreativeeveryday #art #mentalhealthmatters #studio #logburner
#artist #shedio #impressionist #impressionistArt #expressionism #jacksonpollockinspired #shropshireartist #Shropshire #becreativeeveryday #art #mentalhealthmatters #studio #logburner